“Come home with me tonight.” His panted words feel more like a plea than a request.

“I can’t.” I plant my palms on his chest and press just firmly enough that he pulls back to look at me.

“I didn’t mean for that...” He moves to explain, misreading my expression. “I just want to spend some time alone with you.”

“I didn’t say I didn’t want to.” I touch the side of his face. “I said I can’t. I have to work tomorrow, remember.”

“But if you didn’t, you would?” The corner of his mouth tips.

“Maybe.” I shrug, tugging my bottom lip through my teeth to contain the smile that threatens to take over my entire face.

I don’t know how to put into words what Remi has brought to my life. Ever since ourrun-inat my office a few weeks ago, I’ve gone from fumbling through life, unable to feel anything but my grief and guilt, to actually looking forward to each day as it comes. I’m excited, and hopeful, and... happy. I wasn’t sure I would even recognize happiness if it bit me in the face, but there’s no denying that’s how I feel in this moment.

“Maybe, huh.” He tugs me closer again, tipping my chin up with the back of his hand.

“Why don’t you ask me again next weekend?”

“Yeah?” His entire face lights up, and I swear, it’s hands down the most breathtaking sight. “You got plans on Friday?”

“I think I could make myself available. I mean, just to hang out, right?” I arch a playful brow, knowing full well there’s no way I won’t cave the instant we’re alone at his place.

I may have a lot of willpower, but even I have my limitations.

“Of course.” He grins, probably thinking the exact same thing I am.

“Send me the details later,” I say, like we’re making some formal agreement.

“I’ll be sure to do that.” He chuckles, pressing another kiss to my mouth before reluctantly releasing his hold on me as the door to the suite swings open, revealing a middle-aged couple and two younger-looking teens.

“Remi.” The man looks from Remi at me and then back at Remi. “I heard you were going to be here.” The man approaches us, extending his hand to Remi as I do my best to put on a smile that doesn’t completely give away that just moments ago he had his dick pressed against my belly.

“Good to see you again, Jack. I appreciate the tickets.”

“My pleasure. I’m just glad Timmy didn’t end up with them. No offense to him, but he’s hard to watch a game with.”

“Trust me, I’m aware.” Remi chuckles.

“And who is this beautiful creature?” Jack smiles, revealing a row of teeth so straight and white there’s no way they’re natural.

“Jack, this is Kaia, my girlfriend. Kaia, this is Jack. He’s the CFO at Pulse Marketing.”

I’m too stuck on the fact that he just called me his girlfriend to think of a single freaking thing to say. I mean, honestly. We never even discussed being exclusive and he’s just introduced me as his girlfriend?

Maybe it was just easier to introduce me as such, I reason with myself, seeming to gain some semblance of thought when Jack extends his hand to me.

“Nice to meet you, Kaia.”

“Yeah, you too,” I blurt, heat rushing to my cheeks as I allow him to shake my hand.

“Remi, you remember my wife, Anna, and my kids, Josh and Jenner.”

“Of course.” He tips his head toward the back of the room where they’ve all three taken seats. “It’s nice to see you all again,” he says before turning his attention back to Jack. “Should be a good game today. Nice weather for it.”

I only half listen to Jack’s response or what Remi says back as my mind keeps drifting back to the girlfriend comment.

Is it really thatbigof a deal? I mean, so what, he referred to me as his girlfriend. We are kind of dating, I guess. We’ve been out together a few times and we text pretty much all day every day. Hell, he’s even called me a few times. In fact, last night we were on the phone until damn near 2:00 a.m.

Is it so far-fetched that that’s how he would refer to me to one of his colleagues?