“A couple of years. It was easier to afford things that way. Besides, she practically lived with me the last two years of high school anyway, so it didn’t feel like anything new.” I shrug.

“Why did she live with you in high school?” She pauses. “You know what, don’t answer that. I shouldn’t ask questions about someone else’s life. But I am curious. How is it that you two have been so close all these years, and even lived together, but have never hooked up?”

“She’s like my sister,” I say instead of giving her the full truth, which is that it’s a fuck lot more complicated than that.

“Did it weird you out when she started seeing your brother?”

“Very much. I had a hard time with it at first, but now I can’t imagine a world where they’re not together.”

Of course, I don’t go into why I had such a hard time with it. The fact that I had always believed Pen and I would end up together being the biggest reason. I can’t imagine that’s something that goes over well on a first date.

“Are they always so...”

“Sickeningly in love?” I finish the question for her. “That would be a yes.”

“What about you? Have you ever been in love?”

“Love? Hell, this is my first date, remember?” I chuckle.

How could I ever explain that I had, in fact, been in love? Or at least, the closest thing to love I’d ever known. And that she chose my brother instead. Again, I’m not upset or sad about the way things ended up. I just don’t know how to explain it all to her in a way that doesn’t sound ridiculous.

“Right.” I can see her head shake in my peripheral.

“What about you?”


When I glance her way, I find her staring out the window instead of looking at me.

“That bad?” I guess, figuring it must be bad if she’s not willing to talk about it. Hell, most women don’t shut up about shit like that. Well, most womenin my experience. That’s not to sayallwomen.

“No. Just not something I really want to talk about right now.”

Something about her expression when she does finally glance my way tells me not to push, so I don’t, even though it takes everything in me not to.

“What’s your favorite movie?” I say instead of the hundred other questions now swirling around in my head, my attention now back on the road.

“The Wizard of Oz,” she answers without a second of hesitation.

“The Wizard of Oz?” My shoulders shake in laughter.

“What? It’s a classic.”

“I’m not saying that. I just can’t believe out of all the incredible movies in the world, you went with that one.”

“All right then, oh movie God, what is your favorite movie? And it better be a good one.” She gently shoves my shoulder.

“If you put a gun to my head,The Goonies.”

“And you gave me crap aboutThe Wizard of Oz. Are you kidding me?” She slaps her leg. “Could you get any more basic?”

“At least my movie has action and adventure. Yours just has a bunch of little people running around singing about lollipops.”

“If you think that, then you’ve clearly never watched it.” Her eyes are burning holes into the side of my face as I do my best to skew my expression. Though based on her next words, clearly not well enough. “Are you serious? You’ve never seenThe Wizard of Oz?”

“Is that so hard to believe?” I hitch a brow in her direction. “Look at me. Do I strike you as the type who enjoys such things?”

She gives me a long, hard look.