I know from what little Aspen has told me about Kaia that she recently lost her mother. But if I didn’t already know this, I would know it now, seeing the emotion that the mere mention of her mom brings to the surface.

I can’t even imagine. Truthfully, I can’t. My mom is a fucking gem, and a world without her would be a dark fucking place to be in.

“Now the people... That I don’t miss.” She quickly continues. “There’s just way too many of them everywhere.”

“Well, I’m not sure you came to the right place if your goal was to escape people.” I feel the need to point out.

“But I don’t live in the city,” she reminds me.

“I didn’t mind living in the city,” Aspen cuts in. “But I love living in the suburbs so much more. It’s just so peaceful.”

“Hey, guys.” All of our heads turn in unison toward the waitress who stops at the end of the table, recognition flaring in my gut as I take in her dark hair and equally dark eyes.

Well, fuck...

“Remi.” She gives me that look. You know the one. The one that says,you never called, you piece of shit. To be fair, she’s not wrong. Though, in my defense, I never said I would.

“Cheyenne.” I tip my chin in hello. “I didn’t know you were working here now.”

“Maybe you would if you ever called.”

And there it is.

“Can we order drinks?” Aspen interjects, a half-assed attempt to rescue me.

“Sure.” Cheyenne pulls out a pad of paper and a pen, clicking the end of it several times in quick succession.

“Water for me,” Aspen says sweetly with a smile.

“I’ll take a scotch on the rocks.” Sutton relaxes back into the booth.

“Chardonnay, please.” Kaia is the next to order.

“Let me guess.” Cheyenne doesn’t give me a chance to speak. “You want a dark draft and a shot of something sweet. That’s what you like, isn’t it? Dark and sweet...”

Definitely not talking about drinks anymore...

“Well, it’s my birthday,” I say, hoping maybe she’ll find it in her heart not to blow up my entire night because she clearly can’t handle a casual fuck. Hell, it’s been at least two months. I must be better than I thought if she’s still this pissed. “So I think I’m going to celebrate with a Happy Time.”

I’ve always wanted to order one of those, having seen it on the menu every time I come. It’s some kind of mixed drink that comes in a huge fishbowl with tons of fruit and shit. Not a manly drink in the least, but it looks fucking killer and I’m of thefuck itmindset at the moment.

“Of course you are,” she grumbles, scribbling the order onto the pad of paper in her hands. “Any appetizers?” she asks the table.

“Not yet.” It’s Aspen who answers.

Without another word, Cheyenne spins around and all but stomps away.

“Clearly, you made an impression on that girl. And from the looks of it, not a very good one,” Kaia says, her cheeks heating when she realizes she said the words out loud.

“She doesn’t like me very much, obviously,” I agree.

“Should we even ask why?” Sutton chimes in. “Or am I to assume I already know.”

“I didn’t do anything wrong if that’s what you’re implying.”

“You never do.”

I swear I could throat punch my fucking brother right now.