“Do you need to leave?”

“Yeah. Sutton came home early to be with the kids, but I still want to be home in time to have dinner with them.”

“Of course. I totally understand.” I slide off my stool just seconds after she does.

“I had a lot of fun. Thank you for agreeing to come with me. I don’t get to do things like this, well, ever.” She chuckles, adjusting her bag on her shoulder.

“Me neither... Obviously.”

“I’m off work tomorrow, but hopefully, I will see you Saturday, and if not, maybe we can do this again very soon.”

“I’d like that.”

“You want me to walk out with you?” She hesitates when I still haven’t moved.

“Actually, I’m gonna run to the bathroom first. You go ahead.”

“Okay, I’ll see ya later.”

“Yeah, see ya.”

I watch her exit the restaurant a few moments later, but instead of going to the bathroom like I said I would, I reclaim my seat. My aunt already said she would be late getting home tonight, claiming she had something with the ladies, though I’m starting to wonder ifladiesis code for something else given our conversation the other day. And since sitting at home doesn’t hold much appeal, I decide to order another drink. Because honestly, what the hell else better do I have to do?

Chapter Four



“Happy birthday!” Aspenthrows her arms around my neck, hugging me so tight she damn near cuts off the circulation of air through my windpipe.

“Thanks, Pen.” I wait until she releases me. “Though, I can’t say I feel all that happy about saying goodbye to my twenties.”

“Don’t you dare start saying how thirty is old. Remember, I’m not too far off from that number myself, and I can’t be held liable for what will happen to you if you call me old.” She gives me a warning glare.

“I wouldn’t dream of it.” I grin, taking a moment to actually look at her.