“Honestly, I’m not so sure,” I admit.

“Do you want me to talk to her?” she offers.

“No.” I shake my head. “I appreciate the offer, but this is something I need to handle on my own.”

“So what are you going to do?”

“Like I fucking know.”

“Remi.” She smiles weakly like she physically doesn’t have the strength to be standing here arguing with me.

“Pen. Are you okay?” I ask, not able to shake the feeling that something is off with her. Call it intuition. Or maybe I just know her well enough to know when she’s trying to put on a brave face.

“I’m fine... It’s just... God, I feel silly for even mentioning it given everything that happened to you today.”

“Trust me, I could use the distraction.”

“You’re going to laugh.” She grimaces.

“Doubtful. I’m not in much of a laughing mood. I mean, unless you’re pregnant again. That I might laugh at.”

Her expression tells me everything her mouth doesn’t say.

“No.” I step back, taking my first real look at her. She’s dressed in sweats, her hair tied up in a messy knot, not an ounce of makeup on her face. Honestly, she looks like hell. “Seriously?”

She nods slowly, biting on her bottom lip. “Please don’t say anything. Kaia is the only one who knows.” The mention of her name is like salt in a very sore wound. “I haven’t even told Sutton yet.”

“How far along are you?”

“Best guess, a couple of months.”

“Damn, you just went and put my projection time to shame. I gave you a year. Clearly, I was being very generous.”

“Now is not the time to gloat.” She pouts out her bottom lip. “What am I going to do?”

“What do you mean, what are you going to do?”

“I can barely manage two kids and myself. But three...”

“Hey.” I tug her into my arms, giving her the hug it’s very clear she desperately needs, and maybe I need it a little bit too. “You are the best mother.” I drop my chin to the top of her head. “If you and Sutton can’t figure it out, no one can.”

“You think so?” She pulls back just enough to look up at me.

“I know so,” I tell her. “Just like I know that this kid is going to have the best fucking uncle on the planet.” I give her a cheeky grin, despite feeling like my entire world just imploded on itself.

“Thanks, Rem.” She blows out a slow breath, both of our gazes darting to the front door as it opens and Sutton appears.

In an instant, Pen is out of my arms and into his, concern creasing his face.

“Is everything okay?” He looks at me as he says it, but I know he’s really asking his wife, who buries her face in his chest.

“I should go,” I say. “Let you two talk.” I step past them, tugging open the door Sutton just closed.

“Remi,” Aspen calls to my back. “Promise me you’ll talk to her.”

Not having it in me to lie, I give her a stiff nod before stepping out into the cold afternoon air.

Ishut my phone offhours ago and have yet to turn it back on. Honestly, I’m afraid of what I might find if I do. Afraid that I’ll see a text from Kaia that will have me running to her side, despite everything that transpired earlier today.