“When have you ever known me lie?” I counter, not able to recall a single time that I did in the entire span of our relationship. “You need to hear me, Blake. This is over. You and me, we’ve been over for a long time.”

“But you still love me.” He keeps going, reaching across the console to forcibly take my hand. “I know you do.” He squeezes so tightly that pain radiates through my fingers.

“You’re hurting me.” I pull as hard as I can, able to free my hand from his grasp. Without giving him a second to recover, I shove open the door, practically falling out of the car.

I’ve barely had time to right myself when he comes barreling around the front of the vehicle toward me, having gotten out of the car with lightning speed.

“I just want you to come home with me. I just want things to be the way they were.” He pushes me into the side of the car, pinning me between it and him.

“I don’t feel that way about you anymore.” I refuse to let him bully me into submission.

“I don’t believe you.” His face dips down level with mine, our height difference pronounced. “He’s just a rebound.”

“He’s not,” I disagree.

“I give it a month, two tops, and you’ll come crawling back.” He hisses, so close to my face that I can feel the warmth of his breath.

“You said that before. But I didn’t. You came to me.” I stand my ground.

“Why do you keep doing this to me?”

“I’m not doing anything to you. You are the one who came here. You are the one holding onto something that doesn’t exist anymore.”

“It doesn’t exist because you threw it away.”

“Does it really matter? It doesn’t change the way things are now.”

“Maybe if you remembered what it was like to be with me.”

“No, Blake.”

“You’re not even willing to try.” His hands are on my face before I’ve even registered that he’s moved, holding me in place. “Don’t give up what we had.”

“You need to let me go.”

“No.” He shakes his head adamantly. “I won’t. You love me still. I know you do. You just need to remember.”

His lips are on mine so fast that I can’t move my head fast enough to stop their collision with mine. I freeze in place, the familiarity of his kiss catching me off guard. It’s not because it makes me feel something. It’s because it doesn’t. Not a single blip of anything other than mild disgust. And that is how I know, with complete and utter certainty, that I made the right choice.

I’m finally able to shake my face away enough to break the kiss, albeit not nearly fast enough, moving to dip under his arm in an attempt to escape.

One minute he’s got me with an iron-clad grip, the next his hold on me disappears completely. It takes my brain several long seconds to figure out why. For my eyes to track the movement from where he was, to where he now lies, a large frame on top of him.

“Remi...” I act on autopilot, moving quickly to try and pull him off Blake, who is pinned beneath his weight. It does me no good.

He lands a punch square to Blake’s mouth, not giving him a single second to recover before another blow lands just below his left eye.

“Remi!” I scream, using every ounce of strength I have to try and pull him off, to no avail. “Remi!” I get right in his face, pushing on his shoulders with all that I have. “Stop!” Fist extended in the air to lay a third hit, he freezes mid-motion, his heated gaze coming to mine as if he’s just now hearing me. “Stop,” I repeat a second time.

Looking down at Blake’s bloody lip and already swollen eye and then back up at me, he shoves to his feet, stumbling backward a few steps.

“Who the fuck is he?” he spits, his voice so angry it causes every hair on my body to stand at attention. “And why the fuck was he kissing you?”

It takes me longer than it should to realize he saw something very different than what was actually happening.

“I’m her fiancé, you piece of shit.” Blake rolls to his side, spitting blood onto the ground.

I see an array of emotions pass over Remi’s features as he stares back at me in utter disbelief.