And she was right.

“How do you eat thosethings?” I crinkle my nose when I get a whiff of the yogurt Kaia’s eating. If I thought maybe they’d smell better the second time around, I was wrong. I think it might actually smell worse than the first one she ate in front of me.

“They taste a lot better than they smell.” She smiles around the spoon in her mouth, looking so delectable I could eat her, though she doesn’tjusttaste good, she smells divine as well.

“Somehow, I doubt that.”

“Why don’t you see so for yourself?” She extends the spoonful of yogurt in my direction.

“Pass.” I lean back to avoid having to smell it that close up.

“Oh, come on.” She laughs. “You won’t know if you like it if you never try it.”

“Not gonna happen.”

“One bite.” She’s on her knees on the couch now, waving the spoon in front of my face.

“What will you do for me if I take a bite?” I give her a wicked grin.

“I’ll stay another night,” she offers, having insisted since she arrived yesterday that she couldn’t stay Saturday because she had things to do. The most generic response ever.

“So youarefree.” I narrow my gaze at her.

“What?” She lets out a little squeal when I take her by the hips and tug her into my lap, her legs going to either side of mine. Considering she has a yogurt in one hand and a spoon full of yogurt in the other, there’s very little she can do to stop me.

“You said you couldn’t because you hadthings to do,” I mock her earlier words.

“You didn’t expect me to make it too easy on you, did you?” She smiles down at me, once again waving the spoon in my face. “One bite.” She tugs her bottom lip through her teeth in a way that makes me want to lean forward and do the same, stinky yogurt be damned.

“Fine.” I open my mouth, letting her slide the spoon inside.

I grimace when the tanginess hits my tongue, but I will admit, it’s not nearly as bad as I thought. Still not great, but not horrible either.

“See, it’s good, isn’t it?”

“I wouldn’t go that far.” I smack my tongue against the roof of my mouth, trying to rid my mouth of the aftertaste.

“Stop it. It’s delicious,” she quickly disagrees.

“It’s edible. That’s about as good as you’re gonna get out of me.”

“Well, I think it’s delicious.” She makes a show out of scooping out another bite and plopping it into her mouth.

“You know what I think is delicious?” I reach up where the oversized button-down she’s wearing is open just enough to give me a view of the top of her incredible tits.

It’s mine, something she threw on this morning to make coffee and has yet to take off. Not that I’m complaining. She looks better in it than I ever could.

Pulling the material to the side, I lean in and trail my tongue along her nipple, which immediately puckers under my assault.

“I’m starting to think you’re Superman,” she muses, leaning to the side. I move to stop her until I realize what she’s doing, loosening my grip enough to allow her to lean over and deposit her yogurt container on the end table next to the couch.

“Why is that?” I go right back in the moment she’s upright, swirling my tongue around the other nipple.

“Because only a superhero could have your kind of stamina,” she tells me, her hands finding the back of my hair as she urges me to continue.

“It’s not me.” I drag my teeth along her peaked bud, causing her to hiss in delight. “It’s you.”
