“Why are you asking me? I’m sure he’s told you everything by now,” I say instead of giving her any real answer.

“He hasn’t. It’s strange because, in a way, I feel like he’s kind of closing me out. Not that I mind. I mean, it’s only natural to want to keep certain parts of yourself private. But Remi has always been an open book until now. I’m not used to it.”

“Did he tell you about what happened with Olivia?” I ask, even though just seconds ago I said I wasn’t going to talk about it ever again. I mean, I’m not. At least not to Remi. But I am curious to know if he told her what happened now that I’ve had a couple of weeks to process it all.

“Olivia?” She gives me a confused look.

“She was in town a couple of weeks ago.” I start to fill in some of the gaps for her.

“I wasn’t aware. Then again, Remi doesn’t usually tell me when they get together. Not that I have a problem with her or anything. It’s just weird being around someone who’s slept with your husband.” She grimaces, like the thought is physically painful.

Weirdly, I kind of get it. Because I feel the same way when I think about Remi with someone else. Like I wanna rip the hypothetical girl’s eyes out and feed them to her...

That got violent quickly.

Funny enough, I never felt that way with Blake. I can’t even remember a single time that I felt jealous over him, and given that we were together five years, that’s really saying something.

When Remi and I first started talking, I was filled with so much guilt every time we’d part that I felt like I was drowning in it. Guilt over Blake. Guilt over my mom. But now, I don’t have it in me to feel guilty. How can I when he has quite literally brought me back to life? And while the loss of my mom still lingers, it doesn’t feel as devastating as it once did because I know she’s looking down on me with a smile so bright it could shed light on even the darkest of days. I know a part of me will always feel sadness when I think about her, but more than anything, I feel so incredibly lucky that I got to have her in my life at all. Even if it was cut way too short.

It’s strange how one person can change so much in such a short amount of time. How one day it can feel like a struggle to even get out of bed and the next you wake up with a smile on your face, excited for what the day might bring.

“I get that,” I say after a long moment.

“Did you meet her?”

“Not exactly.”

“Uh-oh.” She reads my expression perfectly.

“I may have seen them coming out of his apartment together and jumped to conclusions.”

“That man.” She rolls her eyes. “I swear sometimes he can be so dense. You know he would never, right? I mean, not just with Olivia but with anyone. I know he might come off as the type, but I swear to you he isn’t. If he had intentions of being with other people, you’d know it.”

“No, I know. He explained the whole situation, and we’re all good now.”

“So did he say why she was in town?”

“Some kind of work thing. She was only here for one night.”

“I see.”

“And fun fact, not that you really care, but apparently she’s getting married.”


“I obviously don’t know the details or anything, but I guess she invited Remi to the wedding.”

“That makes sense. The two have been friends for years. Truthfully, I’m actually kind of indebted to her because of a favor she once did for Remi that played a big part in me getting Sutton back.”

“I didn’t realize you two had...” Broken up, I don’t get to say.

“It was a messy and complicated situation,” she cuts me off.

“Messy and complicated how?” Something about her expression gives me pause.

“Just messy and complicated.” She blows out a breath. “Anyway, she intervened, even though Sutton and I hurt her, and that told me a lot about the kind of person she is. I judged her far too harshly when I first met her, and I wish I could go back and change some of the things I did. She didn’t deserve what Sutton and I did to her.”

“Remi told me that they were kind of together when things started with you two.”