“It would definitely help. But only if you promise to stay the night. Scratch that, the whole weekend.”

“I promise to see how it goes.”

We both already know once I have her inside my apartment, I won’t be letting her walk out of it until I’ve devoured every inch of her a hundred times over.

“So you’ll stay.”

“Maybe,” she says teasingly.

“I’m not leaving until you say yes.”

“Somehow, I actually believe you.” She giggles. “Fine, I’ll stay.”

“I knew I’d wear you down eventually.” I have to resist the urge to lean down and kiss her again, instead releasing her as I turn toward the door.

“Eventually?” She snorts, following me out into the hallway. “It took you like thirty seconds,” she says to my back.

“Thirty seconds too long.” I turn to face her when I reach the front door.

“You’re too much. You know that, don’t you?”

“Too much of awesome.” I give her a cheeky grin, for which I’m rewarded with another breathtaking smile.

“On that note.” Kaia reaches around me to tug open the door, forcing me to step out of the way so she can fully open it.

“I see how it is.” I pout as she playfully pushes me out onto the front porch, pausing in the doorway to grab the collar of my shirt and tug me back toward her, the elevation difference putting us at eye level with each other.

“Shut up,” she murmurs against my lips as she leans in, rewarding me with a deep swipe of her tongue when my mouth opens to speak words I now can no longer remember.

My arms are around her waist in an instant, pulling her body flush with mine as I kiss her back with the ferocity of a feral cat that hasn’t quite yet adapted to humans. I can’t help it. Her kiss—hell, her very presence—makes me wild with desire.

“You should go.” She’s the first to pull away, and I’m as grateful as I am disappointed because I’m pretty certain I could fuck her right here in this doorway, and I’m just as certain that I shouldn’t.

“Do I have to?” I press a kiss to the side of her mouth.

“I’ll see you Friday.” She takes a step back farther inside the house, and despite my desire to hold on to her, I let my hold fall away.

“I’ll be counting down the seconds,” I tell her, taking one step backward and then another, not fully turning around until she closes the door with a smile and a soft shake of her head.

“So when do we get tomeet this woman who has my sweet boy so smitten?” My mom takes the stool across the bar from me, giving me that look only a mother can give.

You know the one. The one that says she’s fairly certain you’re perfection personified even though you know yourself to be riddled with more flaws than you could ever hope to account for.

“Who says I’m smitten?” I arch a brow, accepting the sandwich she slides across the counter to me.

“You speak as if I don’t have eyes, Remington.” She uses my full name, something she rarely does. “Besides, a mother just knows these things. So when do we get to meet her?”

“Well, unless you’re hoping to scare her off, I’d say not anytime soon.” I give her a pointed look, not bothering to argue with her earlier point. It wouldn’t do me any good anyway.

“You think meeting us would scare her off?” My mother balks, flattening her hand to her chest.

This isn’t exactly the conversation I had anticipated when I decided to stop by, not that I should be surprised. This is my mother we’re talking about, after all.

I actually drove out this way to talk to my brother. We’re not really the type to share our feelings or anything, but considering he’s happily married, I thought maybe he could give me some advice on how to not epically fuck this thing up, considering that I almost did.

Have I resorted to seeking Sutton’s help, you ask?

How fucking far gone am I, you want to know?