“Fuck you, Remi,” I spit, half a mind to slap him across his stupid, smug face.

“Kaia, I didn’t fuck her.”

“You can’t actually expect me to believe that. I saw you two. I saw the way you were hanging all over each other.” I will myself not to cry with everything that I have. “My phone died, so I didn’t see your text.” I don’t give him a chance to interrupt. “So I was sitting across from your apartment building when the two of you came out.”

Understanding crosses his face. Like he could possibly understand anything, the dick bag.

“I promise, it’s not what you think.” He dips down to meet my gaze.

“Don’t insult me further by calling me stupid.”

“I would never.” He’s so calm it makes holding onto my temper really hard to do. “Olivia is the friend I texted you about. She was only in town for one night and wanted to meet for drinks.”

“Yeah, right.Drinks.” I balk. “Explains so much.”

“I’m serious. She was hanging onto me because it was freezing outside and she only had a light jacket. She was trying to shield herself from the wind.” He pauses just long enough for me to cut in if I want to. I don’t, so he continues. “I’ve known Liv for years. She used to kind of date my brother. It’s a long and kind of complicated story, but I swear to you, she is just a friend.”

“A friend with benefits maybe.” I huff.

Honestly, how stupid does he think I am? I’m not actually falling for this crap, am I?

Am I?

Then again, he got me to sleep with him on our secondofficialdate, so I guess that doesn’t exactly bode well for my intelligence.

“Look at me.” He dips again when I refuse to meet his gaze. “Kaia, look at me.”

I don’t want to... God, fuck, dammit—a slew of curses goes through my head as my eyes flick to his despite my attempt to look anywhere else.

“I have never and will never sleep with Olivia. For one, I don’t sleep with women who have had my brother’s cock inside of them.” His nose crinkles in a way that would make me laugh under normal circumstances. “For two, and the most important thing of all, why would I want to sleep with anyone else when I can sleep with you?” He seems so genuine that I almost cave... Almost. “You know I’m telling the truth. I know you do. Because you can see how crazy I am about you.”

I feel my resolve start to fizzle up in a big pile of flames, embarrassment starting to creep in.

“You can ask Aspen about Liv. She doesn’t really like her, for obvious reasons, and she would most definitely not lie to protect me if I ever did such a thing.”

“If she doesn’t like her, then why do you?” I ask instead of the five thousand other things swimming around in my jumbled brain.

At this point, I don’t know what to believe.

I mean, he seems like he’s telling the truth, but just because it seems that way, doesn’t immediately make it so.

“Again, kind of a long story. Basically, my brother was with Liv when he and Aspen started... Well, you know.”

“Aspen slept with your brother when he was seeing another woman?” I find myself saying aloud, not able to hide my surprise at learning this. She does not at all strike me as the type.

“Technically, they weren’t really together. It was more like a two-month-long one-night stand.” He realizes that sounds bad and quickly moves to elaborate further. “They weren’t exclusive, and despite what Olivia had hoped, my brother never made her any promises.”

“And that makes it okay?” I look at him like he has five heads.

“No, of course it doesn’t. Like I said, it was kind of messy. My brother used to be the type to step over anyone who got in his way, including me, if it got him what he wanted. Once he had his sights set on Aspen, there was no stopping him. I love the guy, obviously, but he didn’t use to be that great of a person. Aspen’s changed him a lot over the years. She and the kids have. Try not to judge either of them too harshly.”

“So what, you friended this girl out of pity?”

“Not exactly. We hit it off when Sutton brought her home for my parents’ vow renewal a few years ago. But it wasn’t until everything went down with Sutton and Aspen that we got close. We don’t talk that often, and I only see her once every couple of years. Though I’ll be seeing her a lot sooner this time because she invited me to her wedding.”

“She’s getting married?”

Okay, so this maybe changes things. I think...