I may not know Aspen well, but she doesn’t strike me as the kind of person who condones this kind of behavior. Then again, I know her even less than I know Remi, and we all see how that played out.

Gathering my things, I quickly power off my computer and head for the door.

Yiya no doubt has a seven-course meal prepared after the way I unloaded on her last night. It wasn’t my intention to tell her anything, but as soon as I walked in the door and looked into the eyes of the woman who resembles my mother so much, I broke down and told her everything.

She offered to cut him up into tiny pieces and serve him as stew, claiming no one would ever find the body that way. It did manage to bring a smile to my lips, but it was incredibly short-lived.

I shouldn’t feel so devastated by this. I mean, yeah, we slept together. So what? It’s not like we have been together months, or even years, and I caught him cheating on me. But weirdly, that’s how it feels.

He asked me to be exclusive, screwed me on every conceivable surface of his apartment, and then blew me off for another woman the very next day?? I just can’t wrap my head around it.

Like, who does that?

“Micha, I’m heading home for the day. If anyone calls, will you forward them to my cell, please?”

She’s too busy scrolling on her cell phone to actually look up at me, but she at least has the decency to acknowledge she heard me.

“Yep.” She pops her lips.

How she still has a job here is beyond me. Then again, I’m learning she saves her true colors just for me. I don’t know why she doesn’t like me, but it’s clear she doesn’t.

“Thanks,” I grumble, half a mind to tell her how unprofessional and lazy I think she is.

Not today, Satan, I think to myself.

I may be in a shit mood, but that gives me no right to take my stuff out on other people. At least, that’s what I think until I step outside and look up, narrowly avoiding a head-on collision with the absolute last person I want to see today.

“Hey.” Remi cuts off my path when I attempt to keep walking, a lethal concoction of anger, jealousy, and disappointment stirring in my gut.

Why am I not surprised that he would just show up here...

“Get out of my way.” I grit my teeth, refusing to look at him.

“What’s wrong?” He tries to dip down to meet my gaze, but I quickly jerk my head to the other side.

“Nothing. Now please move.” I attempt to step around him again, to no avail.

“Kaia.” The confusion in his voice brings a laugh bubbling to my lips.

How dare he.

How dare he show up here after what he did and then act confused by my reaction.

“What’s going on with you?”

My heated gaze slices to his, and even though I could damn near breathe fire I’m so mad, the look on his face gives me pause.

“You must think I’m really stupid,” I say much more calmly than he deserves.

His brows furrow deeper.

“What are you talking about?”

“You know damn well what I’m talking about. Yourfriend...” I sneer. “You know, you went through an awful lot of trouble to fuck me when you could have just had someone like her all along.” When I move to step around him this time, he lets me, but that doesn’t mean I don’t feel him on my heels as I jog across the street to where my car is parked.

I unlock it with the key fob, but before I can get the door open, Remi’s large frame presses into it, cutting off my ability to get inside.

“Is that what this is about?” he asks, almost like he finds it funny, which only fuels my anger more.