I will admit, I was attracted to her when we first met, but the fact that she was with my brother in any capacity made her off-limits from the jump. Even if their relationship wasn’t serious and Sutton discarded her like yesterday’s news, I have a pretty strict no fucking my brother’s leftovers rule. There was only one person I was willing to make the exception for, and even then, deep down, I knew I would never be able to get past the fact that Aspen had been with Sutton.

Olivia and I don’t see each other that often, but we check in every now and again to see how the other is doing. I sure as shit never expected to look up and find her standing in my doorway.

“I’m actually here on business. My boss has a meeting with one of the builders here, and when the opportunity presented itself to tag along, I jumped at it. Figured it would give me a chance to pop in and see you.”

“Well, I’m glad you did. How have you been?”

“Really good actually.” She extends her left hand, showing off the diamond ring sitting proudly on her third finger.

“Ian proposed?” I take her hand, eyeing the impressive diamond.

“He did.” She smiles widely.

Olivia kind of got the raw deal with my brother. I was really happy for her when she told me she had met someone new. She never said it to me directly, but I know she loved Sutton, and he really hurt her. It’s good to see her doing so well.

“Congratulations. That’s fucking incredible.”

“Thank you.” She smiles down at the ring. “After everything, it feels good to be happy again.” She meets my gaze. “Speaking of happy, what was that I just walked in on?” She gestures to the phone still clenched in my hand.

“Nothing.” I shake my head.

“Didn’t look like nothing.” She calls my bluff, able to read me easily after all these years.

“I may have met someone.” I let myself admit.

“Shut up!” She smacks my knee. “Who? Tell me everything.”

“It’s still really new, so there isn’t a lot to tell. Her name is Kaia. She actually works with Aspen.” I don’t miss the way her features shift.

“You don’t think maybe that could get a little messy?”

“No. Aspen is still my best friend. She wants me to be happy. What happened in the past, it’s just that. In the past.”

“No, I know that you’ve made your peace with Sutton and Aspen and that you’re all still really close, but what doesshethink about it? Kaia, I mean.”

“About what?”

“You know, all of it. You and Aspen and Sutton and that whole mess.”

“Well, she doesn’t actually know.” I clear my throat.

“Remi.” She shakes her head at me. “You know better than anyone what it’s like to have things hidden from you. If you actually like this girl, you should tell her before things go any further. How would you feel if you learned she used to be in love with someone you’re close to?”

“I see your point.” I can’t help but admit, because, well, I do. “Enough about me.” I’m quick to move on from the conversation, knowing it’s not a problem I can solve right now. “Tell me more about you. How long are you in town for?”

“Just today. Our meeting was this morning. Our flight leaves tomorrow at nine a.m.”

“Well, shit.”

“So are you gonna invite an old friend out for a drink or what?”

The thought of canceling on Kaia makes me want to curl into a ball, but knowing I don’t get to see Liv often, I can’t see another way out of it.

“Of course I am,” I finally say with a smile.

“What time do you get off?”

“Should be finished by five thirty or so.”