“You don’t know me very well if you think there’s a chance in hell I’m letting you leave my place in a fucking Uber.” I press my lips to her mouth in a soft kiss. “If you need to go, I’ll get dressed and take you. But will you at least let me feed you before you leave?”

“Okay.” She nods ever so slightly.

“Okay.” I kiss her again, stepping over the side of the tub.

“You know, you’re not at all like I imagined you’d be,” she muses, watching me wrap a towel around my waist.

“How so?”

“I had you pegged for a cocky, arrogant playboy, and while you are cocky, you’re also surprisingly sweet.”

“And killer in bed,” I tack on with a grin.

“And killer in bed,” she concedes, a soft laugh slipping past her lips.

“Admit it, you like me.” I nudge her chin with the back of my hand as I move in closer again.

“I think that’s pretty obvious. I’m here, aren’t I?”

“Well, in case you need to hear it, I like you. And I mean, I really...” I kiss her lips. “Really.” Another kiss. “Like you.” My arms are around her in an instant, my tongue sliding against hers.

I feel her towel shift, followed by the warm press of her skin against mine.

“Maybe I could stay just a little longer,” she groans into the kiss, her arms coming up around my neck.

“Thank fuck,” I mutter into her mouth as I rip off my towel, grab her under the ass, and hoist her up. “Because I am not even close to being done with you yet.”

With that, I carry her back into the bedroom and proceed to fuck her with the sole purpose of making sure she will be able to feel the remnants of our time together when she wakes up tomorrow deliciously sore. Because then I know that when those beautiful eyes of hers flutter open, I’ll be the very first thing that crosses her mind.

And fuck if that doesn’t make me one happy son of a bitch.

“You had sex, didn’tyou?” It’s the first thing I hear when I press the phone to my ear, Aspen’s hushed voice on the other end.

“Excuse me?” I croak, not yet fully awake.

“Kaia. You had sex with her!” It’s not a question.

If she could see the huge smile that takes over my entire face at her words, there would be no denying she’s right.

“Why would you say that?” I try to keep my tone even.

It’s not so much that I care that Aspen knows. It’s that I don’t want to tell her in case Kaia wants to keep it under wraps for now. Which I would know had I asked her, but I was too busy fucking her at the time so...

“Because I have eyes,” she whisper-hisses, and I quickly realize she must be at the office.

“I’m confused.” I continue to play dumb.

“If you didn’t screw her, someone did. You should see her. She’s practically skipping around the office, and let’s just say I don’t think she’s stopped smiling since she walked through the door three hours ago.”

The sight of Kaia flashes through my mind, Aspen’s words causing my chest to stir in the strangest way.

Yesterday was... Let’s just say it will go down in history as one of the best days of my life. And not just because I fucked Kaia on every imaginable surface of my apartment, but because I also got to spend some real time with her–talking and laughing. She has the most amazing laugh too. Like I could record that shit and play it on repeat over and over again and never tire of the sound.

And when I drove her home, it was the most comfortable I think I’ve been with another person outside of Aspen.

The thought brings me back to the present and something else Pen said registers...

“Three hours?” I bolt upright, searching for a clock. “What fucking time is it?”