Chapter Ten



“Ithink maybe I neverwant to leave this spot,” I tell Kaia, whose back is pressed to my chest as we lie in the bathtub, bubbles surrounding us on all sides.

“I don’t know. You’re already starting to get pruney.” She glances up at me over her shoulder, a smile gracing her lips. Lips I can’t resist leaning down to kiss.

How does one describe the last six hours?






And yet, none of those words seem to do it any kind of justice.

Kaia is... Well, fuck me, Kaia isspecial. And I mean that in the best fucking way possible. It didn’t take me long to figure out that she was different than the others. It wasn’t just about fucking her, but don’t get me wrong, that was... fuck, there are no words. But it was also just her. Her smile. Her touch. The little noises she makes when she’s about to come, which I have heard multiple times today and yet not nearly enough at the same time.

I can’t get enough of her. I’ve never felt this before. This undeniable draw to another person. Generally, any and all feelings I may have thought I could have for someone go out the door the instant I’m finished fucking them. I’ve never met a woman who made me want to stay.

But Kaia, she didn’t just make me want to stay. She made me never want to leave.

“Again?” She smiles against my lips when she feels the obvious signs of my arousal pressed into her back.

“What?” I dip my tongue inside her mouth, wrapping my hand around her throat to hold her in place. “It’s your fault,” I groan, pressing up.

“You keep saying that.” She slides my hand away from her throat, turning over to face me, causing the water to slosh over the sides of the too-full tub.

I get one look at her wet tits, suds clinging to her perfectly pink buds, and I know I’m a goner.

“I think maybe you’re just insatiable,” she practically purrs, her words caressing my ears as she straddles my lap.

“Only when it comes to you.” I look up at her, loving the sight of her on top of me.

“Is that so?” She positions herself over my cock. “Tell me how badly you want me.”