“I’m sticking to my earlier prediction. One year.”

“Whatever.” She rolls her eyes at me. “I think the next grandchild born should be yours. Can you imagine a little Remi running around?” She gives me a cheeky grin.

“I don’t even have a girlfriend yet. Let’s not get ahead of ourselves.”

“I mean, you kind of do.”

“We’ve been on one date,” I remind her.

“No, you took her to lunch. That’s two dates.”

“Fine. Two dates. Does that really make a difference?” I chuckle softly, trying not to wake Gracie. She doesn’t even stir.

“I guess in the scheme of having kids, not really.”

“Exactly.” I shake my head at her.

“I’m sorry. I know I’m getting way too ahead of myself, but the thought of you having kids, of my kids having cousins to play with, it just makes my heart so happy.”

“It can make your heart as happy as you like, as long as you realize it’s not going to happen anytime soon, if ever.”

“I know.” She huffs. “For the record, though, I think you and Kaia would make the most beautiful babies.”

“Way too fucking soon, Pen,” I groan, not sure how the fuck we got on this topic to begin with.

“You’re right. You’re right. Besides, they wouldn’t be themostbeautiful because my kids hold that title. But yours would be second most beautiful.”

“Pen.” I give her a pointed look.

“Okay, no more baby talk.” She makes an X over her heart. “So when are you seeing Kaia again? I mean, other than a month from now.”

“I don’t know. We didn’t really discuss it at lunch, but Iwasthinking about asking her to the Commanders game on Sunday.”

“This Sunday? Meaning you won’t be at Sunday dinner?”

“Well, technically, I was still planning on coming. The game will be over by four, so I could easily make it here by five. Then again, if Kaia goes with me, I probably wouldn’t come.”

“Why not bring her here with you?”

“Absolutely not. I’ve only just started hanging out with the girl and you want me to bring her here? With my mother? She’ll have us walking down the aisle before Kaia’s ass ever hits the chair.”

I know that my mother’s behavior is entirely my fault. Product of me never bringing girls home when I was younger. To be fair, I did bring a girl home almost every day—Aspen. Though we were such close friends, I don’t think she ever considered that the same thing. And I guess, technically, it wasn’t.

“I guess that’s a good point.” Aspen’s quick to agree. “I take it your work gave out tickets again?”

Typically, when my manager gives out tickets to the luxury box our CEO owns, I usually go with another coworker or one of my college buddies because neither Sutton nor Aspen has ever been interested in going. Not that I’m really a huge football fan either. I mean, I like the game. It’s entertaining enough. But really, I just go for the free food and beer.


“It’s fine if you wanna skip this Sunday. I think you two will have a blast at the game.”

“Well, I haven’t asked her yet. She could say no.”

“If she agreed to a date a month from now, I think it’s a safe bet she’ll say yes to a date this Sunday. Why didn’t you just ask her while you were at lunch?”

“I don’t know. I guess I didn’t want to overwhelm her. I had already asked her to the dinner theater thing. You don’t think it would’ve been too much to ask her to a game too?”

“One, you can never ask a girl out too much. If she likes you, she’ll take any excuse to spend time with you. Two, since when have you ever worried about coming on too strong? That’s kind of your thing.”