Chapter Eight


“What are you doinghere?” Aspen smiles as she opens the door, Grace tucked into the crook of her arm.

“I had some things to do not far from here. Thought I’d stop by and see the kids before I head back into the city.”

“Is that so? What kind ofthings?” She quirks a brow, stepping to the side to let me pass into the house.

“How’s my sweet angel today?” I ask instead, making gimme fingers at my niece the second Aspen closes the door and turns back to me.

“Well, she won’t eat, and she won’t sleep, so you tell me.” She blows out a puff of air as I take Gracie into my arms.

“Aww. She just needed some Uncle Rem-Rem. Isn’t that right, baby girl?” I nuzzle my face against hers, little strawberry-blond curls tickling my face as I do. Smacking loud kisses on her cheek, she lets out a little squeal of laughter. “What the...” I look down at my niece, who just let out what might possibly be the cutest freaking sound I’ve ever heard.

“Yeah, she laughs now,” Aspen tells me, touching the back of her daughter’s head with gentle affection.

“Since when? You didn’t tell me she was laughing.”

“It just started. Sutton blew raspberries on her belly when he was putting on her pajamas the other night and she just giggled and giggled. It really was the cutest thing.”

“I bet it was. So what’s the problem today then, huh?” I talk directly to Grace, bouncing her gently in my arms.

“I have no idea. She’s just been unusually fussy.”

“She doesn’t seem fussy to me.” I give her more kisses and am once again rewarded with her adorable little laugh.

“Of course she doesn’t now.” Aspen rolls her eyes, moving farther into the living room before plopping down on the couch with an audible sigh.

“Where’s Rand?” I ask, realizing how incredibly quiet the house seems.

“He’s taking a nap.”

“Did he just go down or has he been out for a while already?” I ask, taking the chair catty-corner from Aspen.

“He’s only been asleep a few minutes.”

“Well, poo.” I speak directly to Gracie as I reposition her in my arms. “I was hoping to get to spend a little time with my best bud.”

“If I remember correctly, you spent two hours in his room on Sunday building castles out of blocks.”

“And?” I arch a brow in her direction.

“Why don’t you tell me why you’re really here?”

“I told you; I was in the area. And you know I can’t get enough of these beautiful babes.” I smile down at Gracie, who seems rather content at the moment, despite what her mother said about being overly fussy today.