“Do you want me to answer that question honestly?” It’s his turn to quirk a brow.

“Do I?” I find myself saying aloud even though I never intended the question to slide past my lips. “Maybe we should just go get something to eat.” I abruptly stand, grabbing my purse from the top drawer of my desk before looking up to find him already up and waiting at the door.

“So, about that date.” He waits until I step past him into the hallway before following me out of my office.

“You mean the one for the dinner theater you already bought tickets for?” I keep my focus forward.

“What?” he says innocently. “I was excited.”

“Micha.” I pause at the front desk to address the receptionist working today. She’s younger than me, a senior in college, I believe, though I don’t know her all that well given that she only works one day a week. She’s a cute girl. A little heavy-handed on the makeup, in my opinion, but still very pretty. “If Theresa asks, will you let her know I’ve stepped away for lunch.”

Her gaze darts to Remi and remains there for a long second before coming back to me, a look on her face I recognize all too well, probably because it’s the same look I wear whenever Remi steps into a room.

I think you’d be hard-pressed to find a woman, no matter her age, who doesn’t appreciate the way Remi looks. He really is that attractive. The whole package. The height. The muscles. The hair. Theeyes...

“O-Okay, I’ll let her know.” Her focus returns to Remi, a slight pink hue touching her cheeks. “Hi, Remi.” She bats her fake eyelashes at him dramatically, and I’m torn between laughing or reaching over and ripping the damn things off.

“Hey, Micha.” He smiles casually, like the two are old friends. “You ready?” he asks me, completely unfazed by her reaction to him.

I guess he probably deals with that kind of thing a lot.

The thought causes a tiny ripple of jealousy to move through me.

I know that probably sounds absolutely ridiculous for a woman my age to say, especially when it comes to a man I barely know, but there it is just the same. I can’t help how I feel, even when it seems completely irrational.

The thought disappears the instant I feel his fingers wrap around mine.

“Bye, Micha,” he calls to the receptionist before leading me out the front door, making a show of swinging our joined hands as if he could almost sense the direction my thoughts had taken and wanted to quiet them.

“About dinner theater.” I wait until we’ve crossed the street. “I’d love to. I mean, as long as you’re sure you want to. We can do literally anything else. You don’t have to sit through something you won’t enjoy for my sake.”

He stops so abruptly that I walk two full steps ahead of him before I realize he’s no longer next to me, his grip on my hand tugging my arm backward.

The instant I turn back toward him, he pulls me close. As much as I hate any and all types of public displays of affection, I go to him willingly, my body ignoring anything my brain tries to tell it. I am the moth and Remi is the flame. It really is that simple.

“You still don’t get it.” He tips my chin with a soft touch of his hand. “I want to do anything that involves you. Whether that’s sitting in a theater...”

“Or listening to me read the phonebook.” I finish what I already know he’s going to say.

“Exactly. I just want to be near you. Though, saying it out loud kind of makes me sound pathetic.”

“It’s not pathetic,” I tell him, my heart ramrodding so hard in my chest there’s no way he can’t feel the vibration of it.

It’s so strange, how a man I’ve known only days can make me feel more in one look than my fiancé did in the five years we were together. I’ve never felt such an immediate and intense attraction to someone as I do to Remi. I can’t even begin to explain how overwhelming it is to be in his presence, especially when he looks at me the way he is right now.

“We should... Um, get inside,” I say when a man hisses a curse of irritation after having to step around us in the middle of the sidewalk.

“Fine,” he grumbles, reluctantly releasing me.