My legs feel like jelly, but I somehow manage to keep myself upright as we wait for the elevator car to come back up.

I’m not sure how to feel.

Well, that’s not entirely true.

I should feel ashamed or, at the very least, embarrassed.

I don’t.

If anything, I feel the opposite of those things.

“So where to next?” I ask just as the elevator door slides open.

“You mean, you’re not ready to make a run for it?”

He pulls me into his chest the moment we step into the elevator, his hand once again going to the side of my neck, cupping under my jaw in a way that feels almost possessive, which I honestly can’t get enough of.

“Do you want me to make a run for it?” I look up into his incredible eyes.

“Does it look like I do?” His mouth quirks on one side as he lowers his face to mine. “I’m fairly certain I’d just run after you even if you did.”

“And what would you do with me if you caught me?”

I know I’m playing with fire, but dammit, I can’t stop myself.

I don’t want to just play with fire. I want to live in it.

“Oh, I could think of a few things.” When his lips touch mine this time, I’m prepared for the heat that floods my body, but it doesn’t diminish the intensity of it.

I almost press for more, but the ding of the elevator stops me, and honestly, I’m glad for it. Tonight has gone further than I ever anticipated, and as easy as it would be to go back to his place and let him satisfy this deep ache inside of me, I know I would regret it tomorrow. Not because I don’t want to... Trust me, I do. But because I’m not the type of woman who can just sleep with someone just for the sex. It has to be more for me. My heart won’t allow anything less.

“I do have one other place I’d like to take you if you’re up for it.” Remi takes my hand as we exit the elevator, once again entwining our fingers.

“As long as it’s notyourplace,” I say almost apologetically.

“As much as I would love that, I know that’s not going to happen tonight.” He kisses the side of my head in a gesture so sweet I could just about cry. “How do you feel about ice cream?”

“Ice cream?”

“I know this great spot that stays open until midnight on the weekends, if you’re interested.”

“It’s ice cream. Of course I’m interested.”

“You really are the perfect woman, aren’t you?”

My heart does a full flip inside my chest.

“You’re observant,” I tease, crinkling my nose at him seconds before he leads me back inside the dark tunnel of doom.

Okay, so it’s not the tunnel of doom after all, but it still doesn’t make me feel all warm and fuzzy inside having to walk through it without light.

“Thank you for this, by the way,” I say when we emerge on the other side, knowing I don’t need to elaborate further. It’s pretty obvious what I’m thanking him for.

“You’re welcome. Though, you didn’t get much time to take in the view.”

“Says who?” I bat my lashes innocently, letting my eyes travel the length of him in one slow sweep before my gaze once again meets his.

“Perfection.” He lifts our joined hands and kisses my knuckles.