“Remi.” My voice shakes as I look up at him.

“I promised myself I would be on my best behavior tonight, but fuck, Kaia, if I don’t kiss you right now, I think I might fucking explode.”

His words make me feel likeImight explode.

“Well, I guess we wouldn’t want that, now, would we?” I repeat my earlier statement.

“We most definitely would not,” he repeats for a second time as well, a smile touching his lips as one hand slides up the side of my neck while the other gently grazes across the small of my back.

I swear I’m so taut with anticipation that when he leans down, his face but a whisper from mine, I feel at risk of becoming completely unraveled.

“I don’t usually ask for permission to kiss a woman.” The hand on my back becomes firmer as he presses into me.

“Then don’t start now.” The words barely make it out before his mouth closes down over mine, his full lips silencing any and all thought that isn’t him.

It’s gentle at first. A peck. A second one. A nip of his teeth across my bottom lip. But it quickly escalates when his tongue drags across the seam of my lips, asking for silent permission that I willingly grant.

The instant his tongue slides across mine, I’m a goner. Rational thought goes right out the window, replaced by a carnal need only his touch can satisfy.

My hands are around the back of his neck now, my fingers diving into his thick, silky strands of blond hair, tugging on the ends.

He lets out a groan that comes from somewhere deep in his chest, and I swear I can feel the sound all the way to the tips of my toes.

My entire body aches for him in a way I didn’t know was possible. Every fiber of my being alive with desire. Like touching a live wire, I feel the electricity spread, burning everything in its path until I’m nothing more than an empty shell.

I feel his hands on my backside seconds before I’m hoisted in the air. I wrap my legs around him, desperate to get closer, tofeeleverything. And I do. I feel the thickness of his erection press directly into my center, and I swear I see stars.

Grinding down, I smile against his mouth when another groan slides up his throat.

I feel the cool bite of glass against my back through my sweater as he presses me against the windows. Feel the heat of his body consuming me from the front as he repays my action by grinding right back against me.

Sweet Lord. If he keeps moving like that, I don’t know what will happen.

He hasn’t even touched me and I can already feel the build start. My body begging for something it’s been denied for far too long...

I’m ready to beg for it. For him to strip me bare and take me right here, but before I can utter a single word, the elevator dings. Like being doused with a bucket of ice water, the fire inside of me fizzles out in an instant.

“Fuck,” Remi grumbles, the warmth of his breath dancing across my face as he breaks the kiss and quickly lowers me to my feet but doing very little to put any real distance between us.

I can’t bring myself to look into his eyes, embarrassed by how quickly I let myself be carried away, so I stare at his broad chest instead.

“Sorry to uh... interrupt. But shift change is happening in fifteen,” Hank calls from the open elevator, and I’m so incredibly grateful that Remi’s large frame hides me because if he saw my face, there’s no way he wouldn’t notice how fiercely red I’m sure my cheeks are right now.

“We’ll be down in five minutes,” Remi promises, his body remaining facing me instead of turning around to address the security guard.

“I need you gone before the late guard gets here.”

“You have my word that we’ll be gone before then,” Remi tells him.

Hank grumbles something under his breath, not loud enough that we can hear what he says but loud enough that we know he said something.

I’m frozen like a statue, afraid to move. Hell, afraid to breathe.

I listen to the elevator doors once again slide closed before I chance a look up at Remi, who I find smiling down at me with a grin that overtakes his entire face.

“What?” I can’t help but say, suddenly self-conscious.

“You’re fucking incredible,” he tells me. “I can’t wait to do that again.” He dips down, laying a light kiss to the corner of my mouth. “Come on, we should go.” He takes my hand and tugs me toward the elevator.