“I have. But I’ve never seen any of it with you,” I tell her, not missing the way her lips part in a silent gasp like she can’t decide if that was the sweetest thing she’s ever heard or the cheesiest.

“Do women actually fall for that?” Her mouth quirks into a half smile, and once again I am momentarily taken by just how fucking beautiful she is.



“This is my very first real date.”

“Yeah, right.” She barks out a quick laugh.

“No, I’m serious. I’ve met up with women at bars and things, but I’ve never actually taken a woman on an official date, ever. Unless you count Aspen, but really, she doesn’t count.”

“You’ve never been on a date?”

“Nope. You’re my first.”

“Bet you haven’t been able to say that for a long time.” She clasps her hand over her mouth, speaking between her fingers. “Shit, I’m sorry.”

“Don’t be.” I chuckle, loving that she seems to just say whatever comes to mind without even really thinking about it.

“Sometimes my mouth works faster than my brain.”

I have to bite back the urge to make a comment about how I can give her mouth something to work fast on...

“I love a woman who says what she’s thinking.”

“You say that now. Just wait. Give it a few hours and you’ll be ready to be rid of me.”

“Somehow, I doubt that.” I reach out, brushing her hair over her shoulder, so fucking tempted to lean over and kiss her that it’s downright painful not to.

Her breath hitches when my fingers brush the side of her neck, making my earlier thought even harder to ignore.

“So where do you want to go first?”

“We’re really doing this?” she asks like she just needs to make sure I’m not messing with her.

“We really are.”

“Okay, then.” She blows out a soft breath. “How about we start with dinner. I’m actually pretty hungry.”

“Where would you like to go?”

“That one isn’t something I know because I don’t know any restaurants other than the one we were just at last weekend. So my choice is that I want you to choose.”

“Anything specific you’re craving?”

“I like everything.” She shakes her head. “Surprise me.”

“That I can do.”

“Okay.” She leans back, quickly snapping her seat belt as I do the same.

“Ask me a question,” I say, pulling away from the curb before making a quick left at the stop sign.

“Why?” I feel her eyes on the side of my face, but I keep my gaze on the road.

“We’ve got thirty minutes to kill in the car. Best way to get to know someone is to ask questions, right? So ask me something. Anything you want.”