I had no idea they were lilies, only that it was the bouquet the florist recommended. There’re also some pink roses and some kind of little white flower too, but let’s be real, I don’t know a damn thing about flowers.

“You’re welcome.”

“Let me just go stick these in water and we can go.” She turns, damn near running into her aunt, who suddenly appears in the doorway.

“I’ll take care of those.” She’s quick to take the flowers from Kaia. “You two go, have an amazing time.” She shoos us toward the door, not that I’m complaining in the least.

“I shouldn’t be too late,” Kaia tells Myra over her shoulder.

“Take your time. I’ll be sleeping either way,” she calls behind us, and I like Myra a hell of a lot more.

Waiting for Kaia to slip on her coat, I silently follow her out of the house, blowing out a slow breath as we step out onto the porch, the action pillowing in front of me due to the cold air.

“Sorry about her. I promise she’s not always like that.”

“She was fine.” I take her hand, mentally doing summersaults when she doesn’t pull away.

“Somehow, I doubt that. Please tell me she at least didn’t make you too uncomfortable.”

“She didn’t,” I reassure her. “I’m built of stronger stuff than that.” I knock my hip into hers as we make our way down the sidewalk toward my car.

“You must be built of stone if my aunt Yiya didn’t make you crack.”

“Okay, you’ve gotta explain the Yiya thing to me.”

“I couldn’t say Myra as a child, so it came out as Yiya, and it stuck. You think it’s weird, don’t you?”

“Not at all. I like it, actually. Yiya.” I smile down at her as we stop next to the passenger door.

“So are you going to tell me where we’re going?”

“That part is actually up to you.”


I tug open the door without answering, waiting until she’s tucked inside before closing it. Quickly crossing around the back of the car, I slip into the driver’s seat and immediately start the engine in order to get the heat going. Fuck, I can’t wait until summer.

“I’m going to need you to explain theup to mepart.” She doesn’t miss a beat.

“Well, you’re new to the area, so I thought maybe this would be a good opportunity to explore. Is there something you’ve been eager to see? A restaurant you’ve been wanting to try? Anything at all. You’re in the driver’s seat.” I grin when she looks at the steering wheel and then back at me. “Okay, not technically.” I chuckle. “But you know what I mean.”

“So that’s it. I get to pick whatever I want?” She nibbles on her bottom lip in a way that has me desperate to lean in and do the same. “Like, in the city?”

“Whatever you want,” I confirm, refocusing my attention. Tonight is not about anything but getting to know her, I remind myself. As much as I would love to sink balls deep inside of her, that isn’t what this is about. At least, not yet...

“What if I want to go skydiving?” she quips.

“I know a great place not far from here. Though we might freeze in the process, but hey, you only live once.” I give her a cheeky grin.

“What if I want to do something lame and cliché like visit the White House or The Lincoln Memorial?”

“Why is that lame?”

“Really?” She snorts out a laugh.

“I happen to think that kind of stuff is really cool.”

“Because you haven’t seen all that a hundred times before?” She gives me a doubtful smirk.