“Are you from the D.C. area?”

“No, I actually moved here with my best friend for college.”

“Aspen?” She guesses, and I realize very quickly that Kaia has at least told her a little bit about me already. The thought has a smile touching my lips.

“Yes. We’re originally from Ohio.”

“My sister moved to California for college and ended up staying there, but I could never get myself to leave. This place always felt too much like home to me.” She crosses her legs at the ankles. “Has Kaia told you about her?”

It takes longer than it should for me to realize she’s talking about the sister she just mentioned.

“Not really, no.” This feels like a very strange conversation to be having after just meeting someone, and yet Myra seems completely at ease.

She gives me a soft smile as she pushes to a stand. I watch her cross the room and take a picture off a shelf that sits on the far wall.

“She died earlier this year. Losing her has been hard, but it’s been even harder on Kaia. She and her mom were very close, and when she got sick, Kaia gave up everything to take care of her.” I take the picture she extends to me, noticing immediately that the smiling woman staring back at me from the photograph looks damn near identical to the one standing in front of me, give or take a few years.

My gaze then drifts to the other person in the photograph. A younger version of Kaia, smiling back at the camera so wide the action takes over her entire face. I’ve always believed you can tell a lot from a picture, and this one paints a story of a beautiful young woman not yet burdened by the weight of what life would cast upon her.

I suddenly realize there’s a point to Myra telling me all this.

“She tries to act like she’s okay, and some days she is, but she’s still dealing with a lot.” She takes the picture back and returns it to its spot on the shelf. “So you’ll forgive me for being blunt, Remi, but I need to know your intentions are good.” The look she gives me when she turns back toward me makes it very clear what she’s referring to. “And that you’re not going to hurt her, because I don’t think she can take another disappointment or heartbreak so soon after losing her mom.”

“I can assure you that I would never intentionally hurt Kaia or anyone for that matter.” I smile to hide my discomfort. “My intentions for being here are genuine. I like your niece, a lot, and I’m excited to get to know her better.” I don’t try to charm her or feed her some line. Something tells me she wouldn’t fall for it even if I did. The truth isn’t that hard to tell in this situation because I mean every word.

I was drawn to Kaia the first time I met her. I guess maybe infatuated would be the better word. But it wasn’t until she showed up at my birthday party, looking like a fucking goddess, that things really changed. The way she smiled. The way she laughed. The way her cheeks heated when I pulled her close, her body tense against mine. The way my entire body seemed to come to life when her soft lips touched mine. Even through the haze of alcohol, there was no denying the truth. She already had me by the balls, and fuck if I wouldn’t drop to my knees and beg for any morsel she’d be willing to give.

Aspen once told me that one day I would meet someone who would bring me to my knees and I’d never even know what hit me. I thought she was full of shit at the time. I couldn’t imagine anyone but her who could wield such power over me. But it turns out, she was right. I’ve spent a whopping one evening with the woman and I’m already puddy in her hands.

“That’s all I needed to hear.” Myra smiles, seeming to release the tension in the room in one simple gesture. “I’ll just go see if Kaia is about ready, then.” Seconds later, she disappears from the room, leaving me sitting awkwardly alone, not really sure what the fuck to do.

Maybe there’s a reason I never did shit like this in high school. Every social event, I went with Aspen. Every group outing, I went with Aspen. And even though I was hooking up with girls and stuff, I never once asked someone on a date that I can recall.

To be fair, when I asked Kaia, I wasn’t exactly expecting any of this. I thought she’d answer the door, I’d hand her flowers, and we’d leave. But even if I had known that her aunt would put me on the spot and make me feel like a fucking teenager, I still would have rung that fucking doorbell. Or at least, that’s the first thing I think when Kaia rounds the corner and steps into the living room.

The sight of her damn near steals the breath from my lungs.

She’s dressed casually in jeans and a sweater, her blond hair pulled up on the sides, the rest left hanging down her back in soft waves. Her makeup is soft and natural, her lips coated in nothing more than a clear gloss, and yet I find it even sexier than the red they wore last weekend.

She’s absolute fucking perfection.

If I could sketch the perfect woman for me based on appearance alone, she would be it. From the top of her head to the soles of her furry boots, there isn’t a single thing I would change. But her appearance isn’t the only thing I’m attracted to.

She’s smart as hell. Quick-witted. Has the best fucking laugh. And I learned all that in the course of one evening. I can’t wait to see what else I can discover. I’ve never been so desperate to know someone.

“Hey.” I push to a stand, crossing the room toward her.

On the inside, I may be tied in a million different knots, but on the outside, you’d never know it. I’ve perfected hiding my feelings over the years because, for the longest time, I felt like I had to. Now, it’s just become part of who I am.

“Hey.” She smiles nervously, her hands already fidgeting in front of her. “Sorry I wasn’t ready when you got here. Yiya needed me to run some errands for her and it took me longer than I expected.”

“Yiya?” I arch a brow.

“Myra. It’s a long story.” She turns her attention to the flowers, reminding me that I’m still holding the damn things.

“These are for you.” I hand them to her, feeling like an absolute fucking tool as I do.

“They’re beautiful. Thank you.” She leans in and takes a deep inhale. “I love lilies.”