“So he didn’t tell you what happened on Saturday?”

“Something happened on Saturday?” Her smile turns mischievous, like I’ve just given her a nugget of information she didn’t have before. “I knew it. I could tell something was going on with you two when Sutton and I found you at the Skee-Ball machine.” She moves farther into the office, dropping down into the chair across from me. “Remi may not have told me, but that doesn’t mean you can’t.” She sets her purse in her lap. “I mean, you don’t have to tell me anything, but if you want to...”

“It’s kind of embarrassing,” I admit, feeling like I shouldn’t but also that I might explode if I don’t.

Remi isn’t the only one being tight-lipped. I pretty much told my aunt nothing outside of the fact that the hot guy I nearly took out in the lobby of my office asked me on a date. Sharing anything else felt too personal, and in truth, I didn’t want to get her hopes up, or my own for that matter.

“He, um... He asked for a birthday kiss.” My cheeks heat with my admission. It’s so silly, but something about Remi makes me feel more like a sixteen-year-old girl rather than a grown-ass adult.

“Of course he did.” She chuckles. “Leave it to Remi to use his birthday as an excuse to get a pretty woman to kiss him.”

“He also said some things...” I trail off, not sure how much I should say. “This stays between us, right? Like you’re not going to turn around and tell Remi everything I say?”

“I would never.” She shakes her head adamantly. “He may be my best friend, but I like to think you and I are friends too. I would never betray something told to me in confidence.”

So, despite my better judgment, I fill her in on pretty much every detail from Saturday night. The way he touched me, the things he said, how he texted me the instant I walked into my front door and continued to do so for two hours after. By the time I’m done, she’s smiling so big the action takes over her entire face.

“Can I just say, and this may be premature, but I think you two would make an amazing couple. I have never met anyone who’s been able to match Remi. Usually women are so agreeable to him. I’m not overexaggerating when I say that he can get women to do basically anything he wants, and they just go along with it. But Remi doesn’t need someone who bends to his will. He needs someone who challenges him. Someone who isn’t afraid to be herself. You’re not a yes woman. You’re not afraid to tell him no. The only other woman in his life who does that is me.”

“Well, we haven’t even had our first date yet, so yeah, let’s not get ahead of ourselves.” I feel the need to temper her expectations, along with my own.

“I know. You’ll have to forgive my excitement. It’s just... Well, Remi’s not exactly the dating type.”

“That’s not very reassuring,” I point out.

“No, I just mean, he hasn’t been in the past, not that he isn’t now.”

“I agree with what you said earlier. I think this entire conversation is premature.” Hell, if this keeps going, she’s going to be planning our wedding and we haven’t even had our first date.

“You’re right. Of course you’re right. Sorry, I tend to get a little carried away. I’d blame the hormones.” She giggles, the sound soft and melodic. “But that’s not entirely true.”

“It’s okay. I get it. He’s your best friend and you want him to be happy.”

“I really do. And I don’t mean to put any pressure on you. If you come out of your date feeling like he’s not someone you can see yourself having another date with, I won’t be upset at all, I promise.”

“I appreciate that,” I admit, my thoughts also going in that direction. Like maybe this is a bad idea because how freaking awkward is work going to be if this ends badly?

The fact that this thought isn’t enough to make me pick up my phone and text him that I’ve changed my mind tells me everything I need to know. No matter how nervous, scared, or guilty I feel, none of it is enough to trump the excitement churning in my gut.

“Well, I guess I should get home.” Aspen stands. “I’m off until next Monday, but if you want to talk, about anything, you have my number. As much as I love being with my children, I appreciate adult conversation more than I can say.”

“Thank you. I don’t have any friends here, so that means a lot.”

“Well, you do now. So if you need me, I’m here.” She pulls her bag up onto her shoulder and turns toward the door.

“Hey, Aspen,” I call after her just as she steps into the hallway. I wait until she turns back toward me before finishing my thought. “What does one wear to dinner?”

“With Remi...” She thinks about it for a brief moment. “I’d go with jeans and a nice top. He may have been dressed up Saturday, but that’s because it was a special occasion. It’s unlikely he’ll pick you up in anything nicer than jeans.”

“Thank you.” I blow out a slow sigh of relief, grateful that I don’t have to repeat last weekend’s outfit. Not that I didn’t feel sexy. I did. But I was also super uncomfortable for most of the night.

“Anytime.” She gives me a small wave before disappearing down the hallway.