He stares back at me for another long moment, like he’s not sure he wants to let go, and weirdly, I know the feeling. I think I could stare into his incredible green eyes for hours, losing myself in their staggering beauty.

I let out a slow breath when he releases me, equal parts relieved and disappointed.

“Now, just because you gave me an epic birthday present, doesn’t mean I’m going to take it easy on you,” he warns.

“I’d be disappointed if you did,” I repeat his earlier sentiment, leaning down to grab one of the brown balls from the slot.

We fall into easy banter as we roll our balls up the ramp, teasing and gloating in a way that feels like we’ve known each other for far longer than we have.

I win the first round, and Remi insists on a rematch.

He wins the second, so of course, we have to play a third.

“Yes!” I squeal in delight when I sink my last ball into the fifty slot, putting me ten points over Remi in our final match. “That’s what you get!” I laugh, the sound dying on my tongue when I turn to find Remi watching me, an intense look on his face. “What?” I’m quick to ask, suddenly self-conscious of my behavior.

“Has anyone ever told you how incredibly beautiful you are?” he asks, not an ounce of humor in his voice.


“There you two are.” We turn our heads in unison to see Aspen and Sutton approaching. “I don’t know how I never noticed how many Skee-Ball machines this place has.” Her gaze darts between the two of us. “So, who won?”

“I did.” I smile, knocking my arm into Remi’s.

“Only because I took it easy on her,” he spouts off.

“Bullshit.” I shake my head with a laugh, throwing him a glaring side-eye.

“Sounds like you two had fun, at least.” When I look back at Aspen, she’s smiling at me in that soft way she does.

“We did,” I admit, realizing just how true that statement is.

Fun... I can’t remember the last time I had actual fun.

The last time I let myself just be.

The last time I smiled until my face hurt or laughed like I wasn’t dying on the inside.

The last time I kissed someone...

“I’m glad.” She’s looking at Remi when she says it. “I don’t mean to be a party pooper, but I think we’re going to head out,” she tells him.

“What? Already?” He visibly pouts, something I’m learning he does often when things don’t go his way, though it’s weirdly endearing, I’ll admit.

“I promised your parents we’d be home by midnight and it’s already after eleven,” she tells him apologetically. “Is that okay with you?” she asks me.

“Yeah, I’m good whenever you guys are.” I’m quick to agree, though leaving is about the last thing I want to do right now. To the point that if Remi asked me to stay, I probably would.

He looks at me for a long moment and then back at Aspen and his brother. “At least let me walk you guys out.”

“You don’t need to do that.” It’s Sutton who speaks. “You have friends still here. Stay, enjoy your night.”

“You’ll text me when you get home safely?”

“We will.” Aspen leans in, giving Remi a long hug. “Happy birthday, Rem.”

“Thank you, Pen, for everything.” They share a long look.

“Always.” She smiles up at him.