“A little.” He grins. “But that’s not why I’m asking.”

“Are you sure about that?”

“Go on a date with me,” he repeats a second time.

“Why?” I croak, my heart jackhammering inside of my chest so hard that I swear there is no way he doesn’t hear it colliding with my ribs.

“Because I want you to.” His eyes trace every single inch of my face in a way that makes me want to turn away, only I can’t seem to make my head move. It’s like my entire body is in some sort of trance, bewitched by nothing more than his nearness.

“You don’t strike me as the kind of man who dates.” It takes every ounce of strength I have to keep my voice from breaking.

“You strike me as the kind of woman who could change that.” His next words quite literally cause my knees to shake beneath my weight. “What do you say? Will you go on a date with me, Kaia?” The way he says my name, like velvet on his tongue, has more than just my knees trembling.

“I don’t know...” I’m hesitant to agree, and not because I don’t want to—trust me, I do—but because he honestly scares the shit out of me.

I barely know him, and yet, standing here like this, he makes me feel more in one look than Blake made me feel in the entire course of our relationship, and that is more than a little terrifying. Because if I already feel this strongly, how am I going to feel after going on an actual date with the man?

“I get that maybe tonight didn’t shed me in the best light, but if you give me a chance, I think you’ll be surprised by how good of a guy I actually am.”

“Of courseyouwould say that.”

“Don’t believe me, then talk to Aspen. Does she strike you as the kind of person who would mislead or lie to you?”

“No, but I can’t say I really know her all that well,” I remind him.

“Go on a date with me.” When he asks this time, he steps so close that his chest presses against mine, his hand sliding around my back as his fingers splay against my spine.

The buzz of alcohol feels like nothing compared to the intense hum that takes over my entire body.


I don’t even realize I’ve said the word until his smile triples in size, taking over every available inch of his incredibly handsome face.

My God, is this man a sight to behold.

“I have one more request.” He makes no attempt to drop his hold on me, not that I’m trying to make him either.

“What’s that?” The shake of my voice is so heavy, there’s not a chance in hell he doesn’t hear it.

“I wouldn’t say no to a birthday kiss.” I feel his smile, even though I can no longer see it when he dips slightly and slides his nose against mine.

Despite the fact that we’re in a crowded room surrounded by people, I suddenly feel like we’re the only two in the room.

I know I shouldn’t, that getting involved with a man like Remi is the last thing I need. But at the same time, I think maybe a man like Remi is exactly what I need. Someone fun and sexy, who isn’t looking for love but to have a good time. Iamstill young enough that it’s okay to want something like that, aren’t I? To want to remember what it’s like to just act on how I feel and not overthink every single move I make?

My brain is still considering every possibility when my body makes the decision for me. I don’t even realize I’ve moved until I feel the warmth of his lips pressed to mine. It’s soft, nothing more than a peck, but it doesn’t make the inferno that overtakes my body any less overwhelming.

I feel that kiss everywhere...

And I do mean,everywhere.

“How was that?” I ask, pulling back.

“The best birthday present I could have received.”

This makes me smile, despite my best effort not to.

“Good. Now, what do you say we play our game?”