So many people have been stopping in to wish him a happy birthday since we got here that I haven’t managed to remember the name of a single person I’ve met. Then again, not all of them told me their names to begin with, and I’ve been too focused on one man in particular to really care enough to ask.

I think it’s safe to say this night is not at all what I was prepared for. I should have been tipped off when Aspen sent me a picture of the dress she was wearing so I would have an idea of what to wear myself. Who wears a sequined silver minidress to a casual dinner? Especially to a place like Happy’s, which I did research a little. While upscale, it’s still very much on the casual side, especially the back bar and billiards area. If I were coming here on my own, I’d have dressed in jeans and a casual top. But not wanting to feel out of place, I played along, picking the only dress I had that seemed even remotely fitting based on what she was wearing, which just so happens to be the dress I wore to my engagement party many moons ago, but we’re not going to talk about that right now.

I didn’t actually find out it was Remi’s birthday until we were walking inside. Which is why I panicked and quickly excused myself to the bathroom because I definitely needed a minute to prepare myself.

“How about Skee-Ball?” I suggest instead when Remi continues to stare at me unblinking.

Not that I’m any better at Skee-Ball than I am at pool, but at least with Skee-Ball, we’ll be far enough away from the rest of the group that I won’t feel like they’re dissecting my every move.

“You’re on.” He’s quick to agree with a wide grin.

I tug at the end of my dress as I stand, feeling no less uncomfortable than I did when I first put it on. Hell, the only reason I bought the damn thing to begin with is because Blake insisted that our wedding colors be red and gold like his favorite football team, the 49ers. I don’t love red personally, but it made him happy, and that was enough for me.

Had my mom not gotten sick, I’d probably be married to him right now, which is honestly kind of crazy to think about.

Remi waits until I join him next to the pool table before wrapping his large hand around mine. The contact instantly makes me feel dizzy, or maybe it’s the alcohol, but I don’t have a lot of time to really think about it before he’s tugging me through the packed room toward the back wall that’s lined with at least twenty Skee-Ball machines.

All I know is that when he releases my fingers, my hand instantly feels cold without his warmth.

“I’m really glad you came tonight,” he tells me, fishing out a few tokens from the front pocket of his pants before dropping them into two side-by-side machines.

“Me too.” I let myself admit because really, I am.

It didn’t start out that great. And by not great, I mean I felt like I was sitting in a fishbowl, everyone looking at me and tapping on the glass every few minutes when I went too still. I guess that’s what happens when you’re the new girl out with a group of people who have known each other their whole lives.

And then, of course, there was the fact that our waitress spent the entire dinner glaring at Remi and making backhanded comments, like we all didn’t know what she was talking about. It’s not like I didn’t know he wasthattype of guy, but having it confirmed in such dramatic fashion, well, it was a bit disheartening, I’ll admit.

Not that I had any ideas about where tonight might go. I didn’t. But it still stung a little to know that he really is just like all the other good-looking a-holes in this world who feel like it’s their right to fuck and discard women as they please.

“Sorry I didn’t get you a birthday present,” I quickly say to fill the space. “To be fair, I didn’t know it was your birthday until we got here.”

“Well, if you want to get me a present, I can think of a few things I want for my birthday that I didn’t get.” When he smiles at me this time, I’m fairly certain I forget how to breathe.

“I’m not...” I shake my head. “One ofthosegirls,” I say, feeling almost silly for insinuating he wants to fuck me. Look at him. He can do much better than me; of that, I have no doubt. Hell, our waitress was proof of that.

His smile widens, his shoulders shaking in silent laughter. Leaning in close, I stand so still you’d think I was a fucking statue when his cheek brushes against mine.

His scent hits me next, expensive cologne and something else... Something so intoxicatingly his own that I damn near groan as it fills my senses.

I’ve barely recovered when his voice tickles my ear.

“I’d be disappointed if you were.” His words are barely above a whisper, but it feels like he’s speaking full volume, the sound vibrating through my whole body.

Get a grip, Kaia, I mentally scold myself.

“Then, what is it that you want?” I ask, cursing the slight shake of my voice.

He draws back just enough that he can look at me but still so close that our noses almost touch.

“A date.”

“A date?” I arch a brow in confusion.

“Go on a date with me.”

I gape at him openly, sure I’m hearing him wrong.

“Are you drunk?” I blurt the first thing that comes out.