“Now that’s a story for another time.” She laughs.

“Okay, now I’m really curious,” I admit, finishing off the last of my drink. Warmth kisses my skin as the effects of the alcohol seem to fully take hold.

“Let’s just say the road we took to get where we are today was definitely not a smooth, straight path. I basically fell head over heels for him the first time I met him, and he spent the next three years barely acknowledging my existence. Then, one night, at a high school party, he did more than just notice me. But if I thought I was going to get my happily ever after that night, I couldn’t have been more wrong.”

“Let me guess, the next day he acted like it never even happened?”

“How did you know?”

“I had a similar experience with one Zeke Maverick. Super popular guy at my school, never glanced my way until one night, at a beach bonfire, he did. And I was the stupid girl who believed him when he said he’d been crushing on me for months but was too afraid to ask me out. My inexperience with both boys and alcohol did not help matters, and the next day, after he took my virginity, when I passed him in the halls, he acted like he didn’t even know me.”

“Guys are assholes.”

“That they are,” I agree with a smile. “But at least you eventually ended up with your happy ending.”

“I did.” She pulls her lower lip through her teeth. “I mean, it’s hard for me to even think aboutthatSutton. He’s about as close to perfect as someone can get now. It’s hard to remember how, once upon a time, he broke my heart into a million tiny pieces.”

“How did that happen anyway? You and Sutton ending up together.”

“Long story short, I went home with Remi for his parents’ vow renewal a few years ago. Sutton had too much to drink at the reception and ended up kissing me. And well, things sort of escalated from there.”

“So how did Remi feel about you seeing his brother?”

“He actually didn’t know. At least, not for a while. He wasn’t happy when he found out. I think he was more hurt that I lied to him than anything else. We never keep things from each other, and there I was, keeping the motherload of secrets from him. He and Sutton weren’t close back then, but he still felt betrayed by him too. Eventually, we all found common ground, and now, well, now we’re like one big happy, albeit a little unconventional, family.”

“He seems to really care about you. I mean, if him showing up at the office every day didn’t already give that away.” I push my empty glass to the edge of the bar before signaling the bartender for a water.

“He’s overprotective and worries about me, it’s true. But I don’t think he’s coming there just for me.” She gives me a look that instantly knocks me off guard. “Between us girls, I think he has a little crush on you.”

A high-pitched laugh bubbles from my throat, the kind of sound you can’t help but make when someone tells you something so preposterous that laughing is the only warranted reaction.

“I’m sorry, did they put something in that water?” I make a show of leaning forward to look inside her glass.

“I’m serious.”

“Somehow, I highly doubt thathehas a crush onme. I mean, do men like him even have crushes? He seems more like abend you over the sink and leave you with your panties still around your ankleskind of guy.”

To this, she laughs. And I mean, truly laughs. Her head drops back as the action shakes her entire body.

“I take it I hit the nail on the head.” I can’t stop the spread of my own smile, not with her infectious laughter dancing around me.

“You pretty much summed up the first fifteen years of his dating life,” she admits, humor still lacing her words. “But Remi’s changed a lot over the last few years. I will say this. I never thought I’d see the day when a woman made him nervous.” She gives me a pointed look.

“Me?” I croak, not sure how the hell I could make anyone nervous, least of all someone like him, a man who oozes confidence from his very pores.

Aspen nods slowly.

“Please don’t tell him I told you any of this. But since it’s just us girls, I don’t see the harm in passing along the information. I know you said you’re not interested in dating right now, but Remi is a pretty incredible person to have in your life, even if it’s just as a friend.”

“No offense, but I can’t wrap my head around how any woman could be friends with a man like that and not end up tangled in his sheets at some point.”

“He’s infuriatingly charming, I’ll give you that. But unlike a lot of guys who look like Remi, he’s a good one. You have my word on that.”

“He might be, to you. You’ve been his friend for over half of his life. But to the rest of us... Are you sure he’s a good guy? Because from where I’m sitting, the only thing I see when I look at him is trouble.”

She seems to consider my words.

“I guess I can see that. I’ve been known to be a bit biased where the Barnett brothers are concerned. Will you do me a favor, though? Will you at least get to know him a little before you judge him too harshly?”