“No offense, bro, but I don’t think I wanna know,” I’m quick to cut in.

His laughter fills the line seconds later.

“All right, I’m pulling into my driveway now, so I’m hanging up.”

“Kiss my babies for me.”

“I’ll kissmybabies for you,” he corrects. “See you Saturday.”

“Yeah, see ya.”

I drop my phone onto the nightstand next to me as soon as the line goes dead. Before you ask, yes, I’m lying in bed at seven o’clock in the evening. I wasn’t joking when I said I was lonely and, well, bored.

There’s fuck all to do around here. I mean, sure, I could go out for drinks with some of my guy friends who still live in the city, but I don’t really feel up to their shenanigans as of late. Remember what I said about living like I’m still twenty-one? Yeah, well, these guysactlike they still are.

I could call Lindsay, Sarah, or hell, even Chelsea, but not even more normal hookups sound all that inviting. You can only stick your cock in someone you barely like so many times before even that becomes a bore.

So I do what any self-respecting, almost thirty-year-old man would do in my situation. I decide to internet stalk the woman I can’t seem to stop thinking about. And by self-respecting, I actually mean pathetic as hell. But internet stalking is not without its uses. It allows you a window into someone else’s life without ever having to talk to them. Though it’s hard to know if what you’re seeing is the real person or the person they’ve curated specifically for social media.

Kaia, however, turns out to be none of those things. Mainly because, after a rather extensive search, I can’t seem to find a single fucking thing on her. No social media accounts. Nothing.

It tells me two things.

One, she’s clearly a private person or, at the very least, doesn’t care to post pictures of herself all over the internet, which doesn’t surprise me having met her. And two, if I want to unravel the mystery that is Kaia Sharp, I’m going to have to do it the old-fashioned way, with a fuck load of charm.

I guess it’s a good thing I like a challenge. Because something tells me this woman isn’t going to make it easy on me. Truthfully, I’d be disappointed if she did.

Chapter Three



“Hey.” I look up tosee Aspen leaning against the doorframe of my office, a file folder tucked against her chest.

“Hi.” I shift in my chair. “Did you need something?” I ask, gesturing to the folder, assuming it’s a case file.