“We’ve only been married a few weeks. Give us some time,” I tell him.

We’re not actively trying, but we’re not trying to prevent it either. She stopped taking her birth control the day after we got married. We’re of the mindset that when it happens, it happens.

“But there will be babies, right?” Aspen is the one who asks.

“Someday.” I look at Kaia, who’s zoned out of the conversation, her focus on baby Hope. “Right, babe?”

“Huh?” She blinks up at me as if just realizing I’ve spoken.

“I said we’ll have kids one day, but we’re not in a rush,” I repeat.

“Right.” She nods, her gaze once again drifting down to the baby in her arms.

“From the looks of her, it’ll be sooner rather than later.” Aspen gives me a cheeky grin.

“Actually...” Kaia looks back up, uncertainty creasing her brow.

“Actually?” I choke out when she doesn’t continue.

Standing, she softly deposits Hope back into her mother’s arms.

“This isn’t how I planned on telling you but...”

“Oh. My. God,” Aspen says each word with a definitive pause at the end.

“You’re not?” I ask, trying to read her expression. “You are?” I ask the opposite question, the smile that slides across her lips answering for her.

“I haven’t been to the doctor or anything.”

“Oh fuck, am I happy I got to be here for this.” Sutton barks out a laugh at my expression, which likely looks like a deer caught in headlights.

“But I took three tests and they all came back positive.”

“You’re pregnant?” I ask directly, just wanting to make sure there’s no misunderstanding here.

Like she’s saying what I think she’s saying, right?

She nods softly, holding her lower lip between her teeth like she’s not sure if she should smile or not.

“Ha! Ha! I knew it!” I hear Aspen say, but I’m too hyper focused on my wife to really pay her any mind.

“I’m going to be a dad?” I croak, suddenly so overtaken with emotion I feel on the verge of crying.

“You’re going to be a dad,” she finally says the words out loud.

I shouldn’t be surprised that it happened so fast—nothing about our relationship has ever happened slowly. Clearly... But you know what, I wouldn’t have it any other way.

Within seconds, Kaia’s in my arms, and despite the two other people whose eyes I feel dissecting our every move, I kiss her good and proper.

“Fuck, get a room,” Sutton grumbles.

“Language,” Aspen scolds.

“She’s just a baby,” he argues.

“Would you two shut the hell up?” I reluctantly break the kiss to look over at them. “I’m trying to celebrate becoming a dad here!”

“Then could you maybe do it elsewhere? I really don’t want to see this shit.” My brother grins, standing to congratulate me himself. “Welcome to the shitshow, little brother.” He smacks my back.