I’ve been calling him on repeat all day, but I’m pretty sure he has his phone off and likely hasn’t listened to a single voicemail or read a single text I’ve sent him. If he had, I have to believe he would have called me back. Because then he would know the whole truth—every painful detail of it.

I watch in an instant as every ounce of color drains from his face, though I don’t fully understand the reaction. I expected him to be angry, sure, but this doesn’t look like anger. In fact, it looks a hell of a lot like panic.

“Do you need me to tip?” I hear her before I see her, my heart practically leaping out of my throat when she slides up next to Remi, her too tight dress making her boobs press up in an unnatural way.

The first thing I feel is disbelief.

It’s been only hours since the Blake fiasco and already he has another woman in his apartment?

The second thing I feel is complete and utter devastation, the kind that threatens to bring me to my knees.

But it’s quickly outweighed by the third and most prominent emotion... anger.

“Wow.” I shake my head, taking a full step back into the hallway. “Fucking wow.” My gaze slices to her. “I really hope for your sake, she was worth it,” I say as if the words are meant for her.

“Oh, it’s not—” She starts, but I quickly cut her off.

“Don’t say a fucking a word.” I hiss in warning, feeling on the verge of clawing both of their eyes out.

I’m familiar with grief and loss. It’s become quite common in my life as of late. What I’m not familiar with is this rage that takes me over so completely that it’s all I can feel.

“Kaia...” Remi starts, taking a step toward me.

“Don’t!” I warn. “Don’t you dare, you hypocritical asshole. You saw something you didn’t understand, and instead of giving me even two minutes to explain, you run away and bring home the first woman you can find?”

“I can explain.”

His words send me over the edge.

“Explain!” I laugh like an unhinged lunatic. “Explain!” I repeat a second time. “You didn’t give me a single moment to explain to you that what you saw wasn’t what you thought you saw, and you have the audacity to ask me to letyouexplain.” I snarl. “You said I wasn’t who you thought I was.” I remind him. “Well, you’re exactly who I thought you were, and shame on me for not knowing better.” I spin around so violently that I nearly take out the food delivery person, having not even heard him approach.

“I’ll take this.” I snag the bag away from the young guy, who seems borderline terrified by me, turning back to Remi. “I hope you like your food the way you like your women—trash off the fucking floor.” I slam the bag down, watching the Styrofoam containers split open, food spilling all over the place. “What was it you said to me earlier? Oh yes.” I smile wickedly. “Do us both a favor and forget you know me.”

With that, I spin, unintentionally knocking my shoulder into the delivery guy in my attempt to get away. Pain instantly shoots down through my fingers, but I don’t give Remi the satisfaction of seeing me flinch as I break out into a run.

I hear him call my name once, twice, and then a third time, his voice growing louder each time he speaks. No matter how hard I try to outrun him, I can feel him closing in on me with every step I take.

My lungs burn, not able to pump the air in and out quickly enough. By the time I reach my car, I’m panting so heavily I briefly wonder if I’m going to collapse from hyperventilation at any second.

“Kaia.” I just get my hand around the handle of my door when Remi appears, abruptly stealing the keys from my hand before locking my car so that I can’t get inside.

“Give me my fucking keys, Remi.” I hiss, tears nearly blinding my vision.

“Blakewasyour fiancé,” he says instead.

“Keys. Now.” I grit my teeth.

“I didn’t give you the chance to explain earlier. I saw him kiss you, and it drowned out everything else.” Pain tugs at his features. “I’m so fucking sorry.”

“You listened to my voicemails... finally. Good for you.” I try to snag my keys from his hand, but he pulls them out of my grasp before I even get close.

“I didn’t give you the chance to explain,” he says again. “Let me.”

“You must think I’m really stupid if you think I’m going to listen to a word you have to say. You misunderstand a situation so epically that instead of helping me like you should have, you made it worse. Then you run off and fuck the first woman you can find! Why? To punish me?” I laugh wildly, not an ounce of humor to the sound.

“I did not fuck her.”

“You already insulted me enough today by not believing me when I told you it wasn’t what it looked like. Don’t insult me further by lying to me.”