Today, she’s wearing a pencil skirt and a soft pink top that’s barely visible beneath the oversized winter coat that practically swallows her petite frame. Her hair is pulled up the same as the other day, not a single strand out of place. And her nose and cheeks are slightly red from the cold.

“Dinner then?”

“I’m busy.” She’s quick to answer.

“But I didn’t say when,” I object.

“I’m busy then, too.” When she smiles this time, it damn near drops me to the fucking ground. Damnit, if she isn’t even more beautiful today.

“Careful. I’m starting to get the impression youdon’twant to go out with me.”

“Then you’re more perceptive than I thought.” She pats my chest as she steps past me, grinning from ear to ear. “Have a good afternoon,Remi.”

I’ve barely processed how fucking good my name sounds coming off her lips when she quickly disappears inside.

It takes a hell of a lot of willpower not to spin on my heel and follow after her, but not wanting to seem more desperate than I probably already do, I refrain. Pen said she would talk to her, and if there’s anyone I trust to make a good impression for me, it’s Aspen.

Besides, unless I’m completely delusional, I get the impression that Kaia is finding as much enjoyment out of this little game we seem to be playing as I am.

And if there’s one thing I know for certain, it’s that eventually, every game has to have a winner, and I, ladies and gentlemen, am already planning my victory lap.

“Please tell me youdidn’t actually involve my wife in some scheme to try and sleep with one of her coworkers” are the first words out of my brother’s mouth when I press the phone to my ear.

“Of course I didn’t. Who would tell you such a thing?” I gasp dramatically.


“Okay, fine. I may have asked her to put in a good word for me, but that’s all, I swear.”

“You do realize that just because Aspen is incapable of telling you no, doesn’t mean you need to capitalize on it every chance you get.”

“One, she’s told me no plenty of times over the years. And two, I would never take advantage of her, and screw you for insinuating that I would.” I huff. “Now, tell me, did they go out after work?” My tone changes in an instant.

“I had to work late, so she didn’t ask her today.”

“So when?”

“I called you to tell you to stop including my wife in your harebrained schemes, not to gab like we’re fourteen-year-old girls,” he scolds. “She has a lot on her plate right now, and the last thing she needs is to be doing stupid favors for you. She’s already away from the kids more than she wants to be, and now she has to give up an evening with them to do something she doesn’t even want to do.”

“Well, when you put it like that...” Guilt is an ugly bitch, especially when she walks in half-cocked and smacks you right across the face. “I’ll tell her I changed my mind.”

“No, you won’t because then she’ll know I intervened. She’s going to do this for you because you asked her to. I’m asking you to make sure it’s the last time you ask. If you truly need her, Rem, you know she’ll be there, as will I. But this... this kind of shit you can handle on your own.”

“You’re right. I’m sorry.” I blow out a puff of air. “We still on for dinner this Saturday?” I ask in lieu of continuing this conversation.

“It’s your birthday, Rem. We wouldn’t miss it. You only turn thirty once.”

“Fuck, how am I already so old?” Honestly, it’s hard to wrap my head around. Thirty. Something about that number doesn’t sit well with me.

I guess maybe because I thought that by thirty, I would have settled down, maybe even started a family, and here I am, living like I’m still a twenty-one-year-old bachelor. Don’t get me wrong, I thoroughly enjoyed my twenties, but I’m ready for something different. I’m ready for something more...

“Whatever you do, don’t say that in front of Aspen on Saturday. You know she’s turning thirty in a couple months as well. Call her old and she might stick a fork in the back of your hand.”

“She has grown quite violent as of late.” I chuckle.

“Hormones,” we both say in unison.

“It’s not all bad, though...” Something about the tone of his voice tells me I don’t want to know what he’s about to say next.