Chapter One



“Thank you for steppingup while I was away. I know it couldn’t have been easy starting a new job and then immediately being thrust into someone else’s caseload.” Aspen smiles gently, the way one might smile at a child.

I’ve only just met her as this is her first day back to work following maternity leave, and while I’ve heard from other coworkers that she’s super nice, I wasn’t entirely convinced they weren’t just saying that because, well, what the hell else would they say? That she’s a nightmare? Wouldn’t really put the new person at ease, now, would it? But sitting here with her now, I see exactly what they meant. There’s a softness to her, a kindness I could sense the instant I walked into her office.

“It was no problem, really.” I shift in my chair, crossing and uncrossing my legs at the ankle, trying to find a comfortable position.

“Well, I’m grateful just the same. I wish I could have briefed you beforehand, but alas, babies choose when they want to come into this world—even if it is nearly a full month too early.” She chuckles softly.

“That they do.” I’m quick to agree, not that I have any personal experience in the matter.

“Do you have any children of your own?”

“Me?” I shake my head. “No. Truth be told, I’m not sure I want kids.” The words are out before I can stop myself from oversharing—which I tend to do when I’m nervous.

Thankfully, I’m able to stop myself there rather than also admitting I’m not convinced I’m cut out to be a mom. I mean, I love children, obviously. I wouldn’t have become a child abuse counselor if I didn’t. But being responsible for another human life... I don’t know, seems like way too much pressure if you ask me.

“So you’re single?” There’s something curious behind her expression.

I know that look all too well. It says,I have a cousin who would be perfect for you. Thanks, but no, thanks.

“I am.” The words feel foreign on my lips. Probably because I’m not used to saying them. I think it might be the first time someone has asked me that question since everything happened. And while I know it would probably break Blake’s heart to hear me say it, it’s not untrue—even though he’s convinced himself otherwise.

When I ended things shortly after my mother got sick, calling off our engagement only two short months after agreeing to marry him, he was so sure I would come back. When I told him I was leaving California after Mom passed, he was adamant it wouldn’t stick. But here I am, slowly trying to rebuild some semblance of a life for myself, and as much as he believes one day I’ll realize what I let go and come running back, I just don’t see that happening.

It’s strange how one minute you think a person is your forever, and the next, he’s someone you’re not even sure you loved to begin with. I mean, I loved him. No, Ilovehim. Just not in the way I once thought I did.

“But then again, I just recently moved here,” I finally add. “I’m still finding my footing and dating isn’t something I’m interested in at the moment.” I try to make my point without outright saying I don’t have any desire to be set up with someone.

“I get that.” She nods, relaxing back into her chair. “You moved from California, right?”


“Any reason why you chose D.C.? Do you have family here?”

“An aunt,” I confirm. “After my mom died...” I swallow back the knot that threatens to hold my throat hostage. It’s been nearly six months, and I swear tears still bite the backs of my eyes anytime I say the words out loud. “I just wanted a fresh start,” I finally finish.

“My mom died, too.” She surprises me by saying. “I mean, I was young, too young to really remember her. Anyway, it’s not the same. But Iamsorry for your loss. And if anyone understands moving away in search of a fresh start, it’s me.” She pauses for a brief moment before continuing. “So you said your aunt lives here?”

“She does. After I sold my mom’s house, I decided to move here and stay with her while I figure out my next move.”

“Well, for what it’s worth, we’re happy to have you. And from what I’ve heard, you’ve adjusted amazingly. Theresa even said Bella requested to see you again, and for her that’s huge.”

“Unfortunately, I’ve dealt with a lot of cases like hers in my previous job, and while every case is unique, the damage left behind seems to be universal.”

I’m relieved to be back on the work train, having been derailed so easily into my personal life. To be fair, Aspen has this way about her. Something that makes youwantto tell her everything. And if she kept asking questions, she’d probably know my entire life story in a matter of ten minutes.

“I suppose that’s true.” She thinks over my words for a brief moment, twirling a piece of strawberry-blond hair around her finger.

I wish I could say I’m old enough not to feel insecure about myself when in the company of beautiful people, but I’d be lying if I said Aspen didn’t make me feel a little bit like an ugly duckling. She’s pretty in an almost understated way, but there’s no denying her beauty.

I don’t have to wonder if her husband is equally attractive... He is. She has a picture of them together on her desk, and until I actually walked in and saw her, I was half convinced the photo was snipped out of some magazine or, at the very least, photoshopped.

“So”—I clear my throat, forcing myself back to the matter at hand—“how would you like to handle this transition?”