Page 52 of The Art of Falling

“Shut up.” I roll my eyes because truly, I can’t think of a damn thing else to do or say.

On one hand, I know he’s just messing with me the way he always has.

On the other, a small part of me wonders if maybe I haven’t misjudged him on this front too. But that can’t be right because if he was actually even a little interested in me, I’d have known it way before now.

No, this is just another one of his games.

Sure, maybe he’s not as bad as I once thought. But make no mistake, he’s still no angel.

“Why do you want me to shut up?” His smile spreads further, clearly getting the reaction from me he was hoping for.

And here I am, playing right into his hand.

Stupid. Stupid girl.

“Look, we both know you have zero interest in me, so can we please just focus on why we’re here?”

“There you go again.” He tsks. “Assuming things.”


“Enzo tells me you’re coming to the game Saturday,” he cuts me off before I can finish. “Does this mean I’m wearing you down?”

“Hardly. Alina wouldn’t take no for an answer.” I’m quick to explain. “Apparently, she’s going to tell Enzo that she’s ready to be exclusive, and I felt like that was something a friend should show up for should she be asked to. But don’t you dare tell him I just told you that.” I realize that perhaps I’ve overshared.

He lets out a soft chuckle.

“Don’t worry. Contrary to what you may think of me, I do know how to keep a secret.”

“I never doubted your secret keeping ability,” I correct.

“Only everything else about me,” he says matter-of-factly.

“Not everything. Only things that appear true.”

“Haven’t you ever heard the old saying, not everything is always as it seems?”

“Why do you care?” I can’t help but ask. “Why do you care what I think?”

“Who says I do?”

“You’ve spent a lot of time over our last four sessions trying to prove to me you’re not exactly who I’ve always believed you to be. Why put forth such effort if you don’t care?”

“To pass the time maybe.” He shrugs indifferently.


He lets out a deep laugh, the sound seeming to warm the air around me.

“You see me more clearly than you let yourself admit, Rory.”

The way he looks at me makes me want to run from the room but also has the opposite effect on me too. Like maybe I’d rather run toward him than away from him.

I bet this is how most girls feel who spend any real time with Archer. He just has this way about him. It’s almost hard not to like him even when he’s being an ass. It’s infuriating really.

“What time are you getting in on Friday?” he continues like we never diverted from the topic to begin with.

“Um, I’m not sure.” I exchange pencils. “Around six. It’s close to a five-hour drive, and we’re not leaving until after my last class, which is over at noon. Why?”