Page 61 of The Art of Falling

“Maybe not tonight, but soon. Soon you’ll be begging for it.” I promise her, having thrown any and all my restraint right out the fucking window.

Talk about diving into the deep end without a life jacket—I might as well have just hopped into the middle of the ocean without a fucking boat or sliver of land in sight. But that’s just the kind of guy I am. If I’m out, I’m out. But if I decide I’m in, I’m all fucking in and not a single damn thing is off-limits. I knew from the moment I walked into that classroom last week that this is inevitably where I’d land. Resisting Rory only worked when I stayed the fuck away from her. And even then it didn’t work well enough for me to shake her completely, or at all really.

“You’re crude.”

“And you’re beautiful,” I fire back, her entire face aflame at this point.

Deciding I’ve likely pushed enough for now, I ease back out, not wanting to completely freak her the fuck out.

“Eat. You don’t want your salad soup to get cold.” I snort out a laugh.

“It’s already cold.” She rolls her eyes, relaxing in an instant.

“You know what I mean.” I grin before shoveling a big bite of lettuce into my mouth, effectively ending the conversation... For now.

Chapter Nine



“My room is on the fifthfloor,” I object when Archer hits the button for the eighth floor.

“I know.” He smirks, leaning against the railing as he stares across the small space at me.

Tonight has been... Well, truthfully, I wouldn’t know how to describe it if I tried. Whiplash seems like an appropriate term to use. Like someone just thrust me into an alternate reality. One where Archer freaking Copeland is sitting across the table from me, telling me how badly he wants me.

Like what the actual hell is happening?

“Then why are we stopping on the eighth floor?” I ask as the elevator car skids to a stop on floor number eight.

“Because I want to give you something.” He turns, exiting into the hallway the instant the doors slide open.

“If that something is your”—I gesture toward his crotch without looking in the same direction—“then I think I’ll pass.”

Rich laughter wraps around me like a warm blanket, and I struggle not to show the effect the sound has on my entire body.