Page 16 of The Art of Falling

“I’m not.” He chuckles like he finds humor in this whole situation.

“I’m confused. If you’re not free, then why are you here trying to work out scheduling?”

“Because Coach didn’t really give me much of a choice in the matter. Now, how does midnight work for you?”

“You’re joking...” I can literally feel my cheeks heat.

“I am.” He grins, and I have to fight the urge not to kick him under the table.

“Listen, I don’t have time for this. Tell me when you can do it and I’ll see what my availability looks like.” I glance down, keeping my eyes on my planner, finding it easier to communicate with him when I’m not looking at him.

“I can make Tuesday and Thursday free in the evening and I can do Sunday. We’re always off the day after games.”

“Well, this shouldn’t take more than six sessions, so if you can give me at least a couple of hours each time. How about Tuesday from six to eight. Thursday from seven to nine. And then maybe Sunday we could do four to six. If we repeat the same schedule the following week, I should be able to get it done before it’s due.”

“I’ll have to forgo additional practices those days, but yeah, I think I can make that work.” He’s more agreeable than I expected.

“We can meet in the fine arts building. Do you know where that is?”

“I do.” He nods. “I’ve been there before, remember?”

As if I needed reminding.

“Seems we could have handled this with a quick text exchange,” I say instead of indulging him further. “Speaking of, how did you get my number?”

“Sorry, but that information is classified.” He abruptly stands. “I will see you Tuesday at six. Do you need anything specific from me? Anything special I should wear?” He smiles in a way that says,a loin cloth perhaps.

It takes everything in me not to shrink down in my chair.

“Just whatever you’re comfortable in.” I nervously tuck my hair behind my ear, hoping he doesn’t notice the slight shake of my hand.

I can’t help it. Archer Copeland is a very intimidating person to be around no matter how much I try to pretend he isn’t. I’m so far out of my depth here it’s downright laughable.

“Okay.” He hesitates.

“Okay.” I turn my focus to scribbling in the remaining dates and times on my planner, knowing the instant he finally walks away, as if the air itself becomes lighter and easier to pull into my lungs.

And as I watch him jog across the street and disappear out of view, one thing becomes even more apparent than it was before this day began—this is going to be a very long couple of weeks.

Ido my best not tothink about my upcoming project with Archer and keep my focus where it needs to be leading up to Tuesday, but I’d be lying if I said it did me any good. I’ve been looking forward to this about as much as a dental patient looks forward to a root canal. It doesn’t help matters that now that the day is finally upon us, he doesn’t even have the courtesy to show up on time.

I’m seconds away from texting him, having been standing in the lobby of the building, waiting for him for the better part of twenty minutes, when he comes strolling in the front door as cool as a cucumber. Meanwhile, my face is probably the color of a freaking red tomato I’m so mad.

“Where have you been?” I demand, crossing and uncrossing my arms in front of my chest like I can’t decide what I want to do with them.

“Sorry, practice ran over.”

“You told me you could make today work.”

“I’m here, aren’t I?” He grins like he finds my irritation funny. If I were a more forward person, I’d tell him where he can shove it. If he keeps pushing my buttons, I just might anyway.

“Twenty minutes later than we agreed upon,” I say instead.

“I already told you, practice ran over. I hate to break it to you, sweetheart, but football comes before anything else, includingyourproject.” His condescension is like a slap to the face.

What an arrogant, inconsiderate asshole.

I mean, I already knew all of these things but wow, just wow.