“I know you’re scared, but, Rory—”
“Don’t compare my situation to yours and Enzo’s. It’s not the same thing and you know it. He spent months earning the right to call you his. Archer had his tongue down another girl’s throat two hours after I left his bed. Our situations aren’t even close.”
“I know that. But I also know that a lot of the reason I wouldn’t commit to Enz was out of fear. Fear of getting too close to someone. Fear of getting hurt. But now I realize that it doesn’t matter if it doesn’t work out. I don’t want to regret the chances I never took. And if I get my heart broken along the way, so be it.”
“This from a girl who’s never had her heart broken,” I mutter under my breath.
“I heard that.” She throws a French fry at me.
“Are we having a food fight over here or what?” I look up seconds before Tigs flops down next to me, clean-shaven, wearing a bright white T-shirt.
“She keeps it up, we might.” Alina chuckles.
“Hey there, stranger.” I bump my shoulder into his. I haven’t seen Tigs around much lately. Enz said he left for a few days to help his mom and sister get settled into their new apartment. “Where have you been?” I ask anyway.
“Around.” He grins, looking better than I think I’ve ever seen him. I would know he was sober even if Enzo hadn’t already told us as much. You can just tell by how healthy he looks. “What have you two been up to?”
“Not much.” I shrug. He’s probably heard about the Archer fiasco already and if he hasn’t, I have no desire to tell him.
“I’m trying to get Rory to come to the game tomorrow.”
“You should.” He’s quick to agree. “Coach is letting me start again. It’ll be nice to know I have some friends in the crowd cheering me on.”
“I’m sure you’ll have plenty of people there cheering for you.” I push my tray to the center of the table, not sure why I bothered to even get food in the first place.
“Most of the people I know will be on the field with me. Come on, what do you say?” He pouts out his lower lip. “Pllllllllease.” He bats his eyelashes at me.
“What is with you two?” I look between him and Alina, getting the sneaking suspicion that Tigs didn’t just happen to show up here.
“What do you mean?” Alina asks innocently, only furthering my suspicions.
“Why are you pushing me so hard to go to this game?”
She’s been at this for the past couple of days, super insistent that I come. Now, I’m starting to think maybe there’s more to it, especially with Tigs now in on it.
“I was just agreeing with her. It would be nice to have you there. Anyway.” He grabs the sandwich off my tray. “You gonna eat this?”
“Knock yourself out.”
“Nice.” He tears off a big bite between his teeth. “I got class,” he says around a mouthful of food, standing abruptly. “Hope to see you tomorrow, Rory.”
“Don’t count on it,” I call to his backside before turning my glare on Alina. “What are you doing?”
“Don’t lie to me. You’re up to something.”
“You’re being paranoid.” She rolls her eyes at me.
Am I?
Has this situation put me so on edge that I can’t even trust my friends anymore?
“Whatever. I have to go. I’m meeting Professor Clemens in a few minutes to go over my project. She asked to meet with me personally, which means she’s probably going to fail me.” I swing my legs over the bench, grabbing my tray as I stand.
“I saw your work. No way she’s going to fail you.”
“Guess we’ll see.” I turn, emptying my tray in the trashcan just a couple feet from the table before setting it on top. “I’ll see you later, yeah?” I turn back to Alina.