Page 90 of The Blackened Blade

A wicked smile spreads on his lips. “What I want isn’t on the menu.”

This couldn’t have been the last steak, but if it was, he would have to fight me for it.My odds aren't too bad.

My eyes meet his, a dark glint in them as he leans in nearer, closing the space between us. He lowers his voice to a deep whisper so only I can hear him.

“I wasn’t talking about the food, Red.” His gaze trails down toward my mouth, his tongue darting out to lick his bottom lip as he watches me before his gaze meets my own again. The look he gives me is dark and feral, with something else in his eyes that has a shiver running down my lower spine and a strange heat burning at my cheeks.

He takes the fork from my hand and pierces my last piece of steak, and before I can tell him it's mine, he lifts the fork to my lips and waits for me to open them.

“I’m a giver, Red.” My eyes slightly widen, his grin growing as he raises a brow. “Don’t get me wrong, I’ll take what I want as well.” His tongue snakes out again, licking his top lip. “Most definitely.”

I open my mouth, my body on autopilot when it comes to food as he pushes the fork in. I pull the meat off with my teeth as a small growl leaves his lips, a dark and satisfied look in his eyes. “Good girl.”

He puts the fork down and leans back, a wicked smile still on his lips with a more dazed look in his eyes as he watches me chew.

“Any plans for Friday night, Red?”

My brows draw together.Tomorrow?

Other than a quick run and the usual training, there was nothing. I didn’t usually have‘plans’.

“I have a place I go every Friday. It helps me relieve somestress.” He continues.

“I’m not into group therapy, thanks.”

His grin widens, “I’m more of a doer, not a talker, Red.”

“Funny, everytime we meet you don’t stop talking.”

He freezes, his brows furrowing, a strange look forming in his eyes as he stares at me.

“That so?” A slow smile spreads across his lips as he casually shrugs. “Guess you're the exception then.”Before I can ask him what he means, he stands up and leans toward me, whispering in my ear. “Fight Night inBellevere. Meet me tomorrow night at ten, down past the gates.”He straightens up with a large smile stretching his cheeks.“What's the worst that can happen? And at the very least you can get away from this dump for a couple of hours.” He chuckles before turning and making his way out of the cafeteria, knocking into a couple of guys that were laughing and sending them flying to the ground. They scurry along the tiled floor to get away from him, but he doesn't even spare them a second glance.

A fight night.With Annex.

Sounds like it would be a bloody mess if he’s involved.

And do I really want to go to some shady fighting ring that Annex frequents?

A heavy sigh leaves my lips. But a night away from the academy? I have to admit, it was a tempting offer.

I look around the room at the other students chatting and laughing, some of them openly glaring at me with looks of contempt or annoyance twisting their expressions.

I guess one night away wouldn’t hurt me.



The full moon shines above, the cold winter air seeping out around me.

I hear small prey in the distance, moving about the forest floor, andheitches to come out and play. His idea of fun being the bloodbath kind; bodies ripped to shreds and unidentifiable.

The monster inside me makes Annex’s crazy look like a toddler at playtime.

He rolls about under my skin, his murderous thoughts and primal needs flowing through me like waves. He whispers in my ear with each move and breath I take, trying to push me,controlme.

That's how it's been ever since I had my awakening and when the beast began lurking within me.