Page 89 of The Blackened Blade

I try to bite my lip to stop the laugh that wants to fall from them.And fail.

A small chuckle breaks free, and then another, until I’m clutching my waist and wiping the tears from my eyes. A genuine laugh flows from my lips, the sound strange even to my own ears.

I meet his gaze, a soft smile spreading on his lips as he watches me.

I clear my throat, a wide grin stretching my lips.

“So, basically you believe me because it's obvious I would choose the rib-eye over ground beef?”

He chuckles, “Ground beef? More like dog scraps. Trust me, even with Annex’s craziness, Creeds alphaholeness or Mallyns gloomy silence, we would still beat every other guy in every way; strength, looksandloyalty.” He opens the cafeteria door for me, and leans down as I’m passing him.

“And I don’t believe in baseless rumours or sweet lies, little sea star. I know what's what, I can see it better than most. I can see the good from the bad, andeverythingin between.” His eyes become a little unfocused as he steps closer, his breath brushing down my neck as he whispers in my ear.

“I don't know everything about you…yet, but a little voice inside me tells me you're not the bad guy here.” He turns to meet my eyes, a gentle expression taking over his features. “You look so small and frail on the outside and yet you handle yourself like you're bigger than me, Micai.”

A soft chuckle leaves his lips. “You don’t back down even when faced with something bigger or badder. You seem soft on the outside but actually have spikes.” His grin grows wicked. “But I don’t mind getting pricked.”

His brows instantly furrow as the words leave his lips, a questioning look on his face as he mumbles ‘why did I…’ but I can’t make out the rest of his words. Just as I’m about to ask what he means, loud laughter rings out from behind us as Ezra pulls away and straightens himself.

Right, the cafeteria. And as if on cue to remind me, my stomach growls.

A blush creeps into my cheeks as a small chuckle falls from Ezra’s lips.

He pulls the door open wider for me. “Why don't you go get something to eat?”

I turn back toward him as I head inside.

“Are you not coming?”

A dazzling smile stretches his lips, “Can’t get enough of the ribeye?”

I give him my best deadpan look as he chuckles.

“I’ve got to meet up with Creed, but I’ll catch you later.” He gives me a wink, his usual playful smile plastered back on before he turns and heads off.

Shaking my head, I make my way toward the food queue. The smell of steak hitting my nose as I point to the striploin and chuckle with our little analogy a moment ago. I add an extra large portion of crispy fries to my dish and get some bottled water.

My eyes are glued to my plate as I move toward my seat on autopilot, the growling from my stomach now playing out its own symphony as I sit down.

I start to dig in, a small moan leaving my lips with the first bite of the tender steak.

A deep chuckle rings from opposite of me, pulling me from my delicious meal and toward two piercing blue eyes. They continue to watch as I take another bite, glued to my mouth as I continue to eat.

“Enjoying that, Red?” Annex shifts in his seat slightly, his eyes never leaving me.

I swallow before taking another piece into my mouth savouring every bite.

I nod, not caring to form words and retort back, this tender piece of meat tasting better with every new bite I take.

I wrap my mouth around my next forkful, pulling the steak off of it and licking the juice from my lips.

I continue to eat as he shifts again in his seat, a small almost groan-like noise falling from his lips.

“Watching you makes me hungry, Red.”

I freeze, my eyes narrowing at his empty plate and back toward my half eaten steak. I grip my fork, and gesture back toward the food queue.

“Then go get some.”