“Show me how you use it.”
Her eyes widen slightly before a warm smile takes hold of her.
I freeze, the image before me catching me off guard.
Her face lights up, a sparkle shining in those deep blue eyes that pulls me slightly closer. Her full rosy lips curve upwards, a smile of genuine happiness pulling at her cheeks as her face transforms. It becomes so bright and captivating, I have to stop myself from moving closer.
I shake my head and pull myself straighter to turn away for a moment.
It was just the excitement in her eyes that caught me. The pure joy and warmth in her smile and the feeling of comradery. An appreciation of similar interests…that's all.
I push away the unfamiliar feelings and thoughts as I turn back toward her.
And we begin.
I lunge forward, trying to catch her off guard, but she side steps me, twisting as she does to then lash out toward me. I turn, catching her blade with my own as we clash, sparks flying with the force of the metal blades hitting each other.
Her attacks are strong, with no hesitancy at aiming for my vital points, but she still lacks precision.
We break apart, taking a step back from one another as we take our time to size each other up, both waiting for the next attack to come.
Her eyes search for an opening. And this time I can’t stop the grin forming on my lips.
She was like a tiger, prowling around her prey, waiting and watching as she slowly stalked closer.
She suddenly strikes from my left, noticing the old injury on that side.I seeshe's also observant.
Unfortunately for her, that's exactly what I wanted her to see.
Our blades clash again and she quickly retreats.
She noticed,even though slightly late, that it was a trap.
Her reactions and observations were quick, and her ability to adapt even quicker. A rare feature for someone her age.
She would make a worthy partner.
A new sound plays in my ears as we clash, a small symphony playing in the background of my mind as we spar. Our movements quicken, our blades swift and bodies nimble, as we almost dance back and forth through the old desolate building around us. Neither of us giving in or slowing as our breaths begin to quicken, the night air growing cold and sharp around our now tiring forms.
I hadn’t felt this kind of exhilaration in many years.
Time passes as we become lost in our own world, a fevered gleam in her narrowed blue eyes as we move together.One I’m sure I too mirror.
Suddenly movement from beside us pulls us to a halt.
I grip my blade, taking a step toward the overgrown bush, when suddenly a large grey owl flies from its green leaves, carrying a small mouse between its claws.
A light chuckle rings out behind me.
“Be careful, I hear they scratch.” A gentle smile spreads across her lips, her eyes curving into crescents as she watches the owl fly into the distance. She wears a more relaxed expression, as if something heavy had been removed from whatever burden she's carrying.
Her eyes meet mine and for a brief moment she stills with whatever she sees, before quickly turning her gaze away, a slight pinkness coating her cheeks.
Something unfamiliar stirs in my chest with the look, before I push it away.
“It's late. You should get some sleep.”
She whips her head back, opening her mouth slightly, before closing it again.“You can’t be late for your day classes.”