Page 78 of The Blackened Blade

A chuckle rings out in my head with her words. There's always a way to twist and manipulate one's words with Seria. It almost seemed like a game. Some fun and natural ability to mould and shape others words and thoughts to suit her own agenda.

A small smile appears on her lips, her expression soft and tender. A look of complete warmth and affection as she gazes at me. One I wouldn’t have doubted before as genuine, but now can see the slightly dark glint burning deeper within them.

“But why didn’t you go to the dance Micai?” Her expression turns slightly worried as she reaches for my hand and takes it in her own. A cold shiver works its way through my body with her touch, and I have to talk myself out of ripping my hand back from her clutches.

“If you didn’t like Adam, you could have just come with us.”

My mind is pulled from the cold feeling creeping up my skin and back with her last words.‘You could have just come with us’.

My eyes flicker toward her, and narrow toward the four figures I now notice standing behind her. Was she serious? Isthishow she was going to play it?

I glance back toward her, her eyes searching again for my reaction. Did she think I would be upset or angry? Feel uncomfortable or show misery like I used to?

But she could think what she liked, they all could. Whatever I said would be twisted to her liking anyway. She would blacken my character so easily with just a few simple words and all the while pretending to worry about me.

I try to hold back the heavy sigh that wants to fall from my lips, and instead take a deep breath and pull my hand from between hers. Her gaze darkens before she quickly schools it.

“She’s only saying all this because she cares.” Xander steps up beside her, wrapping his arm around her, his voice matching the hardness of his gaze toward me.

Seria looks at him, a sweet smile stretching her lips before she gazes back toward Knox and Anders. Kane suddenly moves forward, placing himself in front of her like the knight in shining dickhead he is. His eyes glaring toward me like I’m some sort of threat to his partner.

I roll my eyes, and the reaction is caught by Xander, who thinks it's an affront to Seria.

“What's your problem, Micai?” Xander grits out, “Can’t you at least be civil when Seria shows you so much care? Or are you justthatsad and bitter?”

“Xander.” Calls Knox, a warning tone in his voice. “I’m sure Micai didn’t mean it that way.” He glances toward me, a strange look in his eyes before Kane scoffs.

“Sure she didn’t. Not like it's been proven time and again how she treats Seria. She’s just manipulative and spiteful.” The angry bite in his tone and cold gaze he gives me has my brows raising and a scoff leaving my lips.

“Kane–” Calls Anders before I cut him off.

“Manipulative?” I chuckle, the sound dark and humourless. They could call me many things and I wouldn’t pay it any heed, but manipulative? They have a master of the craft beside them and they callmethat?

“When have I evermanipulatedyou, Kane?”

His dark brows pinch together as Seria calls his name from behind him, but he ignores it, his hard gaze set on me.

“Give me an example, one incident?” I push, gazing into his darkening eyes.

His brows furrow deeper, his eyes flickering to remember, and pulling down further. “When have I ever had any influence over your actions? When we were kids? ‘Cause I don’t remember you ever being the type to do something you didn’t want to.” His eyes flicker back to me, a strange look forming in them the longer I stare. “Or are you talking about when you and yourother friendslike to mess with me?”He flinches slightly, his hard look falling.“Tripping me up, calling me names, destroying my stuff, knocking me into you feelmanipulatedby me then, Kane?”Kane’s eyes widen, his mouth opening, but before he can speak Xander chuckles, a cold humourless laugh peeling from his lips.

“And you’ve just proven it. Manipulation at its finest.” He waves a hand toward me.“A perfect act. I’d almost believe it myself…” His chuckle cuts off, his lip curling up as he sneers at me, “If I didn’t know you better.”

And just like that, Kane’s face hardens again. Any doubt wiped away with Xanders cold words.

“Xander, Micai’s not–” Knox starts before he’s cut off.

“Not what Knox? You don’t know the real Micai–”

“And you do?” I couldn’t stand to listen to another one of Xanders insults. Acting like he knew me, when he knows nothing at all.

“I know enough.”

“You know nothing–”

He takes a step closer, his eyes dark and tone threatening, “You're the worst kind of–”

A large hand slides between us, before a body stands in front of me, blocking me from Xanders harsh gaze.