Page 72 of The Blackened Blade

But fuck she was fast. Even outrunning Mal and Ez. And those blades…I wouldn’t mind a one on one with those sharp fuckers.

I wonder if she knows how to properly use them? I guess if I find her, I’ll be able to find out.

It’d be a nice change from all the weak assholes in the ring. None of them were lasting as long anymore, but somethings better than nothing, right?

My fists itched to break some bones and feel the crimson liquid drip through my fingers. To see the tremor in my opponents eyes as they meet my own and to hear that sweet symphony of agony.Just. For. Me.

And Morgan had been fine. Bar a couple of papercuts and getting spiked, she had no lasting problems.

Unfortunate. Cause’ Creed had looked like he wanted to raise the academy and watch it burn. What a pretty show it would’ve been.

I wouldn’t wish pain on Morg, she was Creed's sis and practically family,whatever that meant, but still…such a pity.

I make my way through the hallway, faces are downcast with bodies shifting to the side.

Everyone in this shitty school bored the fuck out of me. I whip out my blade, sliding my finger across the tip as a couple of gasps ring out to the side of me.


They were all complete pussies in this school, all scared of a little blood.

The bell rings and I watch as the plebs scurry their way to class.

When they’re all gone, I slowly head to the stairway.

I hated classes, so boring and annoying, but Creed wants us all to search for the ninja chick. He says she might have answers to questions he wanted to know.

Creed. Such a controlling dickhead, but well, every group needed at leastonedidn’t they?

He even told me I could ‘play’ with her if she doesn’t talk. And I don’t discriminate.

Doesn’t matter to me if you’ve got a dick and balls, or pussy. Torture is my playtime and I’m all for the equality.

I’m heading up the stairway but freeze when I hear a familiar voice on the staircase above me. I lean a little further out, following the ballsy voice.


She stands tall, her little blue eyes narrowed and plump rosy lips set in a straight line.

Fuck, what I wouldn’t give for a bite of them. I don’t think I’ve ever seen someone being pissed off look so hot.

Her hair flutters on her little shoulders as wind passes in from the windows around her. My fingers itch at my sides wanting to fist it in my hand and give it a hard yank.

I bet she’d even like it.

“That right?” Her tone is cutting, her gaze turning colder toward whatever asshole is beside her.

Oh, little Red was pissed alright. I could tell, cause she’d givenmethat sexy tone before.

I lean further out, trying to watch the show I’m sure she’d give me.

“You’re lucky I was even willing to take a bitch like you out.”

A low voice barks at her, another chuckling beside her.

I grip the railing and stare at the dickhead trying to get in little Red's face.

The stupid dick has dark brown greasy hair and an ugly face. One I’m gonna help him reconstructverysoon. The prick sneers at her, while the other asshole begins pacing around her, then he stops behind her.