On the forest floor lay two boys, both dressed in what I think are supposed to be angel costumes. Their large fake wings sit broken beneath their large and limp frames.
I edge nearer, noticing their pained groans and erratic breathing. Sheathing my daggers, I rush over to the nearest body. I flip him over, my new strength making light work of moving his huge frame.
His ash-grey eyes meet mine, a slight tremble in them as my brows scrunch together. His face seemed slightly familiar.
Was he in one of my classes?
His eyes flutter again, and I could see he was trying to keep them open.
His lips open slightly, a mumbled incoherent sound falling from them “...Mmm…mmgg…nn.”
I shake my head as he tries again, making the same jumbled sounds.
“Sorry. I don't know what you're trying to say.”
His eyes slightly shake as they search mine for something. And I could tell that whatever he was trying to say was important. His body stiffens, his jaw tightening as his eyelids begin to flicker, looking as if he was fighting to stay conscious.
My eyes narrow toward his lips as a small white liquid trickles from the corner of his mouth as he tries again to speak.
“Mm…gg…nnn.” He slurs, trying to form words as I lean in closer.
I place my hand on his arm, his pulse abnormally quick but slowly steadying more and more as I listen.
His eyes meet mine again with a more exhausted and desperate look in them as they gaze toward me. What could he be trying to tell me?
I look around the area and toward the other body across from us.
He's lying face down, and if not for the slight tremor in his hands as we talk, I wouldalmostthink he was dead.
I take a breath and focus, and using my heightened senses, I zone in on his chest and quickly listen for the sound of a heart beat. His chest rises and falls with the beat of his heart growing louder in my ears, but like his friend beside me, at a slightly abnormal pace.
But thankfully both of them weren’t in any immediate danger, and were fighting whatever was in their systems by themselves.
I look around the area as the boy below me grunts again. There were a couple of large whiskey and vodka bottles, the expensive stuff too.
Was it alcohol poisoning? No, the bottles weren’t even half gone. They sit on a stump in between the two boys' bodies, with a few other small items and three red plastic cups.
Then I see them…a pair of white high heels and a small white feathered clutch.
I turn back toward the boy, his eyes fighting to stay open as his fingers slightly twitch.
“A girl?” I call, and his eyes whip toward me. Just then, a scream rings out from the distance. I let go of his arm and pulled myself up, closing my eyes to let my senses take over and listen fully to my surroundings. Music plays in the far distance, students chatting and laughing around the academy, animals moving around the forest…and light footsteps running quickly through the forest, with amuchheavier footfall chasing behind them.
They sounded like they were heading toward the boys dormitory.
The body below me grunts and shakes as the one across from us joins him. They wanted to move, to save her.
Their fingers shake, their voices and groans grow louder and clearer with each move, and their eyes flicker open a little wider each time they try.
Another shout peels out in the distance, pulling my attention back to her.
I had to hurry, she might not have long, especially since she's all alone.
“They’re nearing the boys' dorm. Head there when you're both able.” I pull the daggers from the straps on my hips, a sharp‘shing’sound falling from the blades as they’re pulled from their sheaths. “I’ll help her in the meantime.”
Ash-grey eyes slightly widen as I rush off following her footsteps and laboured breathing, her movements slowing the longer she runs.I had to move quicker.