Page 65 of The Blackened Blade

The teacher sends a loud alarm throughout the area, demanding students follow orders or the alarm wouldn’t stop. Its volume rises higher and higher, as I cover my ears and try to make my way toward the girls dormitory.

As I cover my ears, another bout of dizziness hits me and I almost fall forward. But the crowd pushes me onward and thankfully toward the dorms.

I turn back, hoping I can spot Adam in the crowd, but instead catch another glimpse of the raven-haired girl in the distance.

The forest was a restricted zone in the academy. And there were wild magical beasts the further in you went. But it wasn’t unusual for students to hang out around the treeline, especially on nights like these. But for an attack to happen…it was unheard of.

Whoever she was…I hope she’s okay.

My vision begins to blur and dim as I slowly make my way to my room, everything turning completely dark before I make it to my bed.

A loud laugh from a group of boys in the courtyard pulls me from the memory and back to the present.

Adam had drugged me. The asshole had spiked my drink.

Back then I didn’t realise, but after a few rumours at the end of the year about how he had assaulted a first year girl, I pieced it all together.

I was lucky I had gotten away. I was too naive and stupid falling for his tricks. I should have realised instantly when he gave out to me the next day for not staying put. And then joined in on humiliating me with the other boys for the rest of the year.

I quickly head up to my room and take off my hoodie.

I pull off my shoes and change, remembering rumours of the girl who was injured. They said her face and body had been badly maimed by some wild beast in the forest. She left the academy that night and never came back. Rumours say she passed away later that year.

I look out toward the forest in the distance from my window.

Was it the beast I had fought? Did he attack that girl?

I narrow my eyes at the shadowy treeline. I won’t let that happen this time. I won't let another person get hurt or die.

No Adam Manser, no drugging, and no deaths.

The only attack would be me against the beast, and this time I wouldn’t lose.

I clench my fist. I had grown stronger and quicker, what better way to test my growth?

I look back at the stars rising in the sky…I’ll need a strong weapon.

A dark grin stretches my lips as I flicker my gaze toward the training ground in the distance.

And I’ve already seen the perfect pair.


Iflip the glistening elven daggers back and forth between my hands. The silver metal feels light to touch, but its blades are sharp to the tip. The two daggers blades are covered in ornate elven letters. What they meant I’m not sure, but usually with elves it's a blessing on the weapon. Which means they were a well-made and loved piece.

I grip the dark grey metal hilt in my hands, the cold material feeling smooth against my skin.

Elven weapons were known for their intricate designs and perfect functionality, but they were scarce to find and expensive when one did.

I had snuck into the weapons shed on the training ground and jimmied the lock.

Thankfully, there were only a few protection spells on the door, ones that would flare when magic was used, but not against some blunt force.

I guess the other Defence instructor, Mr. Hampton, didn't think much of a student breaking into his weapons shed and borrowing them.

Well I guess that probably had something to do with him being almost seven foot tall and built like a tank. And usually you wouldn’t cross a black bear shifter. They were known for their short tempers and protective tendencies.

I twist the delicate metal in my hands.