Page 59 of The Blackened Blade

I also learned that the Defence teacher, Mr. Valor wasn't as cold or as stern as the rumours had led me to believe. He was strict when it came to training or being late, but was a very fair teacher. He didn’t discriminate and treated everyone equally regardless of status or power.

He gave proper lessons and advice and took the time to repeatedly show even the simplest of stances to students who struggled with their form and positioning. He was only stern or cold towards those who were not taking the lessons seriously.

‘One wrong move or mistake would cost you or your comrades their life during battle’,he would call towards boys or girls giggling or messing while we were sparring.

Two girls last week had to transfer to a different class after not being able to stick the training. They would complain and whine at the back of the group during drills and giggle and mess during sparring, focusing more on the boys around them instead of the lesson itself.

I think they only joined because of Mr. Valor, hoping to catch his attention. Unfortunately for them, the attention he gave them wasn’t the kind they were looking for. He would glare at them and make them run laps when they would disrupt the class.

With them now gone though, it meant I was the only female student in the third year defence class, and have since felt the brunt of the harassment from the other boys here more.

They’ve tried to trip me up when we run laps, shoulder me in passing, and have tried to enter the girls changing rooms after class. Thankfully I shower and change in my room.

They do all this when Mr. Valor isn’t around or is distracted by another student.

And when Mr. Valorsisaround, they choose to ignore me completely as if I don't exist.

And I was getting tired of it all.

I stretch out my shoulder and arms as a snicker from behind pulls my attention.

Three stocky boys stand behind me; Jeremy to the centre, Jake to his right and an unfamiliar ginger-haired boy to his left.

I look around for the other asshole usually with them, and then remember that Kane–along with the rest of the scooby gang– skipped Music class. So they probably wouldn't turn up for this one either.

Jeremy narrows his eyes at me, a leery look in them as Jake whispers in his ear. Both of them rake their eyes up and down my body, blatantly stopping to leer at my chest.

Thank god I wore my hoodie.Creepy assholes.

“Is there something you need?” I ask, flickering my gaze between Jermey and Jake with a short glance toward the new boy behind them.

Jake leans into Jeremy’s side, whispering something again before a vile grin spreads on both of their faces.

Jeremy stalks forward as Jake chuckles.

“Need? What could you possibly have that I’d need, Micai?” His eyes travel back and forth as he begins to circle around me, a group now forming from the rest of the boys in the class that were here.“Or are you offering something?”

A few of the other boys laugh and whistle as Jeremy stops in front of me.

“I wouldn’t turn down a quick taste,” He licks his lips, his leery eyes trailing back up my body as a sick smile forms, “...just because it'scheap.”

The group of boys all nod and chuckle, a darker atmosphere flooding the air as they take a step closer.

I feel boxed in, a slight suffocation and panic trying to pull at me before I push it down and look around me. Their laughter and jeering fades in my ears to white noise as I look at each boy. Each dark and leery gaze and the dirt and filth showing through each smile and stare.

And something almost like a switch flips inside me.

Hadn’t I done this already? Hadn’t I dealt with this enough times? These dark, disgusting looks and vile grins that make my skin crawl.Why was I restraining myself after all they had done to me?All they keep doing.

Why was I giving them all the benefit of the doubt when they never gave me any? When they’ve shown me over and over again that they don't deserve it.

They deserve the bruises, the blood and broken bones I should have given them from the start, and from when they threw the first hit.

Why should I worry about repercussions? They and this school’s system is already twisted and tainted anyway. Why should I follow the rules when they created their own?

I held back, restrained myself enough. Even after the attack with Dean and those vile pricks I swallowed it all, worried more about what Mr. Valor would do if I was caught fighting back. I enjoyed this class and respected Mr. Valor–the only real fair teacher here–but it's not enough to take their brutality. Not any more.

A heavy sigh escapes my lips, a weight lifted from my shoulders as it leaves me.