No, I don't remember anything like this.
This was a battle, a fight of some sort.
The image shifts; more fighting and muffled voices, but this time I make out a couple of clearer shapes.
A black metal sword and spear are held by two people as they fight off a larger group. Every inch of the weapons are pure black, from top to bottom. They move as if they're an extension of the person holding them, and cut everything and everyone that comes close to them down with ease. And as if in some sort of trance, I can’t take my eyes from them. My hands try to move with the sight of them, the feeling of wanting to hold the dark metal in my palms taking over my thoughts completely.
The image shifts again; just one person in the distance.
They're running from something or someone this time, while holding a similar weapon in their hands.
I’m wondering when all this will end when suddenly our eyes meet.
Dark blue eyes gaze back at me from the distance, the tall dark figure cloaked in the darkness as he watches on.
I flinch as it narrows its eyes at me, raising its blurry arm to throw its weapon toward me.
Even if thisisa dream or illusion, I didn’t want to take any chances.
I try to move, to thrash against whatever heavy rock or weight holds me in place. I struggle and fight against the heavy restraints, pulling until I feel my arms and legs begin to move a little.
I promised myself I would never be caged again and even in my dreams I wouldn’t allow it.
I push myself forward with every ounce of strength in me, just as the blade crashes into me.
It hits me right in the chest, the black blade embedding itself in my skin.
I wait for the pain to strike, and when I feel none, I remember that this is an illusion.
Is that why I felt nothing?
The blade seeps deeper into me, burying itself in my chest and slowly disappearing into my body.
You would think something like that would send me into a panic, even in a dream, but instead I feel calm, a faint feeling of warmth spreading throughout me as it seeps deeper into my body.
Suddenly the weight and heaviness holding my limbs fade.
My body now free from whatever was holding me in place.
The darkness around me begins to shake and tremble, the ground beneath me quaking with the shift.
Cracks begin to form in the dark, a blinding light pouring through its gaps as the area around me quickly disappears.
* * *
I pull my hand over my eyes as the light shines through my window and forces me to wake. The images from the dream, playing out in my mind as I lay in bed listening to the birds and rustling of leaves in the distance.
There were so many questions running through my mind.
What kind of dream was that? What were those black blades that seemed to place me in a trance? Why did my fingertips and palms tingle just thinking about them? And who did those blue glaring eyes belong to?
So many questions spin around my head, and for a dream that could simply be just that; a weird dream and figment of my imagination or deeper consciousness.
I shake my head, a sigh falling from my lips as I stretch out my limbs.
My body felt more rested and energised. And after last night's fight I thought it would be the opposite.
I look down to where my wound once lay, only torn and muddy clothes covering my now fully healed skin.