I close my eyes tight, trying to push away the memories and cold words just as I hear a familiar voice calling my name.
“Micai?” Knox crawls in through our secret hiding spots entrance; a small man-made hole, the size big enough for a dog, or a few small kids. It’s our little haven away from everyone, hidden by a cluster of old trees wrapped around each other and giving us cover from the rest of the forest and world.
“Are you okay, M?” Calls Anders as his blonde hair pops up behind Knox’s shoulder, followed quickly after by Kane and Xander.
“What's wrong?” Asks Kane, his small brown brows pinching together as he watches me wipe my tears away. “Was it those stupid servants again?”
Xander pushes past Kane and Anders as Knox takes the space beside me, his hand rubbing my back gently as he gives me a warm smile.
“Tell me who,” Xander kneels to my other side, “And I’ll make them pay.” His hand reaches toward my cheek, brushing the wet from there away. “No-one gets to make you cry Micai.”
“Yeah, we’ll beat em’ all up.” Laughs Anders. “No matter what the adults or anyone says to you M, you're one of us.”
“And ours,” Adds Kane, a small tint to his cheeks as he flickers his gaze to the floor.
The matching smiles and agreed hums they all give me, had butterflies taking over from the hunger pains, and hadme grinning back at them.
“There's the Micai we know,” Grins Knox as he brushes a strand of hair from my face, his brown eyes twinkling as we meet. He slowly takes something from his other hand, one I didn’t even notice was behind his back, and gives it to me.
“Happy birthday, Micai.” My little heart beats faster as I take the small bunch of purple flowers from him, violets,as a small blush reddens his cheeks. “They’re almost as bright and beautiful as you are.”
“No fair man,” Groans Anders as he pushes in closer to me, handing me another small bunch of flowers, bluebells this time, “I wanted to give mine first.”
He looks at me, his small grin growing, “Happy B-day, M.”
“Yeah, yeah, nobody agreed to that.” Kane sits down beside Anders, one hand behind his back as his eyes flit between mine and the forest floor.
“We all picked them out with you in mind.” He pulls out his flowers, a bunch of baby's breath. He hands them over gently, my bouquet growing bigger as his brown eyes meet mine again. “Thank you for being born Micai.”
My eyes begin to tear up again, warmth soon trickling down my cheeks with his words. But this time it’s from a feeling of happiness, from the warmth and comfort they always give me and make me feel. An unconditional love from the boys who always pull me from any darkness trying to suffocate me back home.
“You made her cry Kane!” Growls Anders as he swats Kane on his shoulder. Kane quickly whips around and places Anders in a playful chokehold.
A small giggle bubbles up my throat as I watch them play.
Knox bumps me on my shoulder, his eyes flitting to Xander as he edges in closer to me. He takes out his own flowers gently, a bunch of yellow primroses and slowly hands them to me.
A warm smile stretches his lips, “We’ll always be your family, and always protect you Micai.”
I’m pulled from my memory as Kane shifts to the side, reaching for Anders as Knox gets the better of him. And there in between him and Xander, sitsSeria.
A soft smile spreads across her lips as the boys around her talk and laugh. Other boys try to catch her attention in the seats around her as Xander and Kane give them cutting glares.
Her long blonde hair falls on the desk as she turns toward Knox, fluttering her lashes as she runs a hand down his arm and pulls him to sit beside her.
Nobody else from the second year class would sit in the seats allocated for the third year’s in the centre of the room. But rules were meant to be bent for her, right?
The music teacher, Ms. Fleur was quite relaxed about seating anyway, so I guess that would also work in my favour too.
I make my way into the room and toward the fourth year seats.
They were on the opposite side, and near the windows.
The laughter in the class stops, a colder atmosphere filling the room along with a heavy silence as I find an empty seat at the back and sit down.
I get a few narrowed glances and some pointed glares, before a few giggles and chuckles ring out on the opposite side of the room and by the second year seats.
I sigh, glancing toward the echoing laughs, and whispers.