Page 129 of The Blackened Blade

I watch on as the tall smirking asshole in question passes me again, his dark brown hair swaying as he glides back and forth the rink with ease. The muscles in his arms flex as he waves to us while skating, moving the dark tattoos covering every inch of visible skin on his biceps.

The heat in my cheeks turn to flames as I remember them wrapped around my waist on his motorbike, with the feel of each muscle and abs flush against me…with something evenharderpoking lower into me.

I continue watching him as he does another lap around the rink. And even with the smug, shit-eating grin he was wearing, there was no denying the physical reaction I was having.From either of them.

There was no denying that Annex and Ezra were attractive. And I’d have to be blind and deaf not to be swayed by how they looked or how deep and smouldering their voices sounded.

It was obvious why ‘The Infernal Four’ were famous and why people tried to flock to them. Their power and strength wasn’t the only thing. Their looks were what had even the most terrified of students sneaking double glances. They were all…breath-taking.

But how could I feel this way about them? I had Zrael.

He was my mate. I couldn’t…

I know that it's normal in our world to take multiple male partners, but I’d never even hadonebefore Zrael. And Zrael and I weren’t weren’t physical in any way. Our love was soul deep. All I ever needed before was him; he was the one who helped me survive, who pulled me through everything and showed me what unconditional love was…So why?

Why was I reacting like this to Annex and Ezra?

I shake my head. No, I had to be wrong.

Maybe it was because Annex and Ezra were around me a lot these days and treated me like they actuallylikedbeing with me. It was just because they were affectionate and attentive; something I’m not used to.

It was also probably because it had been so long since I had someone touch me in any kind of way; all of my sexual experiences were quick and lacklustre as well. They never had any kind of emotion involved and foreplay was an afterthought or not a thought at all.

Annex and Ezra were very touchy. It was normal for them to act this way. I was just thinking too much.

I push the thoughts away and try to focus on the task in front of me.

Ezra calls my name again and we start to move slowly together. I stumble slightly here and there as we make our way around the rink, but with Ezra to my back and keeping me steady, I soon start to get the hang of it.

I get into my own rhythm, swaying to the music as I make my way around the rink. I feel Ezra drop his hands from me as I pick up speed, enjoying the quicker pace now.

I’m swaying with the song, ‘Like a prayer’ by Madonna and enjoying the rhythm as I move with it, when suddenly Ezra comes up beside me. He takes my hand in his and gently spins us around together.

We’re both laughing as Annex comes up behind me and whispers in a low husky voice. “Youdoknow this song is about giving a blow job, right Red?”

I turn around too quickly and almost fall again. But two sets of hands reach for me, landing on my waist and hips and steadying me.

Pulling myself up straighter, I’m met with two hooded blue eyes to my front and Ezra’s turquoise and lilac pair behind me.

A beat passes between us, none of us moving away or laughing the moment we seem to be having off. Instead their gazes become even more intense.

A quick look flickers between Annex and Ezra before the hands on my waist gently slide down my sides and the pair on my hips tighten. Both bodies lean further into me, caging me in between them as the heat from earlier begins to unfurl again in me.

Ezra’s lips brush across my neck from behind as he leans in closer. A tremor works its way down my neck and back with the small contact. His large hands then slowly slide back up my waist; his finger-tips spanning out and grazing against the bottom of my breasts as they move. I feel my heart rate pick up with each slight movement and my breath coming out in quick little rasps as his body becomes flush against mine from behind. Every inch of him leaning further into me as something large and thick grows harder against me.

A deep husky chuckle falls from Annex’s plump lips, pulling my attention back toward him. But there's no humour in his gaze, only a dark heated look; one so wicked and sinful, it has me clenching my thighs and trying to stop the ache quickly growing there.

He pulls his bottom lip into his mouth, my eyes glued to the small movement before he bends down closer to me with his face just a couple of inches from mine. His breath skips across my face as his lips lower slowly toward mine, his grip growing bruising on my hips.

“Red…” He says my name so softly, it almost sounds like a prayer leaving his lips. His mouth inches closer toward mine as his eyes watch me, the piercing blue of his irises turning into a darker hue, with a hunger growing in them that makes a shiver run up my spine.

I’m lost; my mind in a daze and my heart beating out of my chest as I feel each graze and trail of both their hands, and each hard dip and curve of their bodies against me as they lock me between them.

Each touch and heated look has something new stirring inside me; almost burning me in their wake and leaving me wanting more of them. Of their hands and bodies against me and on me, and of their lips. My gaze flickers toward Annex’s plump lips…I lean in closer as desire and instinct take over, my lips gently meeting Annex’s in a kiss I’m sure will burn me from the inside out.

But just as our lips meet, a bang echo’s out around the room and startles us. We turn around to find Creed standing on the other side of the rink. His eyes are narrowed in a cutting stare toward us.Mainly me.

And like a cold ice bath, the hard glare wakes me up from whatever heated dream world I was in. I quickly pull myself from Ezra and Annex’s embrace, my body already missing the warmth from the both of them as I move away.