Page 125 of The Blackened Blade

Me though? I couldn’t care less.

I’d happily pull up a chair to watch the show.And a show it would be.

Unfortunately none of them wanted to reign down hell on the academy or world just yet.

But none of us could have ever seen it coming; a girl who could weather our storms and stand beside us. And Red was the one.

Even if the rest of them didn’t know it yet, I did. I knew it as much as I knew that pain was fleeting and that if I was cut down right now, I’d rise to kill again tomorrow.

I could tell every time I looked into her endless blue eyes that she had a darkness of her own buried deep inside her. It was one that called to my own like a beacon.

She had been through shit and made it out the other side, just like we did. She was one of us. Mal and Creed just didn’t know it yet.

Ezra laughs, pulling me from my thoughts with whatever Red’s said to him.

But that was another thing.Ezra.

His eyes are glued to Red like she's his salvation and the fresh breath of water he's always been looking for. The dopey look on his face when she's not looking is almostcomical.

Just last week he was the same guarded asshole with the nice guy act up. Always smiling but never happy, and now…look at him. What had happened for him to change so much?

I narrow my eyes as I watch him try to get a few inches closer to her as they walk together. There's a strange expression on his face as he listens to her; a look he’s never worn before with any other girl I’ve seen him with.

I shrug. Guess the why’s or how’s didn’t matter anyway. He was another ally for the cause.The one to make Red ours.

And she will be, she just doesn’t know it yet.

I make my way to the other side of her, just as some dipshit comes our way. His eyes trail down Red as she talks to Ezra, who is oblivious to the asshole now ogling her.

Hope the dipshit enjoyed the view, cause it’ll be his last. His eyes wouldn’t be the first I’d ripped from their sockets.Or the last.

I shift in front of Red as he nears, fingering the blade in my back pocket.

He flinches when he notices me, his greasy smile falling and face paling as he freezes on the spot. Too late dickhead. You eyed the wrong girl.

She wasours.

It's just as I move toward him that a small hand grabs me from behind.

“No blood and carnage today. Just fun, remember?” Red gives me a knowing look, a small grin tilting her perfectly plump rosy lips.So fucking biteable looking.

“But what'sfunwithout a little bit of blood?” I argue, glancing back toward the asshat who looks like he wants to piss his pants.

“Another time.” She calls, her small grip tightening on my hand carrying my blade. I hadn’t even realised I had taken it out.

The guy sees his chance and bolts, and just as I’m about to follow and take my tiny trophies, Red gives me a harder tug. Her cute little brow is raised with a knowing tilt to her lips. There's a look in her eyes telling me I’ll pay if I don't listen. Andfuck,if I didn’t wanna see what she’d do to me if I didn’t.

She gives me another hard tug and I remember her tight little ass pushing back against me on my bike after the fight night with her voice telling me to be quiet as the engine revved beneath us. I adjust my pants and the growing boner in them.

Red notices the movement and shakes her head, mumbling ‘crazy’as she lets go of my hand. But I can see the small blush creeping into her cheeks and the slight grin stretching her lips.

Ezra flickers his gaze to Red before turning toward me, his brows furrowed before he notices the tent pitching in my pants.

He rolls his eyes. “You need a minute?”

“I need a hand,” I eye Red, her gaze meeting mine as I grin back, “Any volunteers?”

“Not into you like that man.” Ezra pats me on the shoulder before stepping beside Red.