Page 122 of The Blackened Blade

“Let's talk here.” If she thought I would let her take one step into my room, she had another thing coming. It was bad enough just being near her, let alone allowing her into my personal space and where I rest. I watch as her eyes widen a fraction before they meet my gaze. “It's messy and small. And there's nowhere for you to sit.” I give her a small smile. But don’t budge an inch as her mouth slightly opens before quickly closing.

She takes a small step back as her smile returns.

“Right. I did hear about your new room.” She glances behind me again. “It may be a bit smaller, but the academy has limited spaces. It's just unfortunate what happened to your old one. I’m sure whoever did it will get what they deserve in time.”Oh they will.

A small smirk stretches my cheeks with the thought. Because I’m sure she was the one behind it; moving her little pawns to do her bidding like the puppeteer she is. And she most certainly will pay for it in this life. “But…there were someotherrumours going around.” She pauses for a brief moment before shaking her head. “They say you’ve been spending time with The Infernal Four. But everyone with sense knows who they are and not to mess with them. They’re…unhinged. And even if they look the way they do...” A strange glossy gaze takes over her eyes as the words leave her mouth, and a strange feeling slithers across my chest with the look.

She shakes her head again. “But they don’t care about girls here or proper relationships. They don’t want a girlfriend, just easy girls to...” She stops speaking, a fake look of worry taking over her expression as she glances back at me.She leans in closer, her voice lowered as she continues. “I don't want you being one of their many numbers. Bane’s have more strength and self-respect than to throw themselves at boys just because they have some power or good looks.” She reaches for my hand, taking it between her soft flesh as goosebumps make their way down my body. “As your sister I wanted to warn you. They only want one thing, Micai, and it's not your company.” Her eyes burrow into mine, trying to drill her unspoken words into my head…‘They don't want you.’

A laugh wants to bubble up from inside me with her words. Her‘tender and concern-ridden’words; ones laced with pure manipulation and condescension.

I hold my laughter back, wearing an unreadable expression as she awaits my reaction.

But she’ll get none.

Two things I know she loathes the most; indifference to her words and being interrupted.

When I show no reaction or sign of responding, her smile becomes tight as a slight tick forms in her jaw.

She clears her throat, and schools her stiff smile. “Well, let's put that aside for now and discuss something else.”She takes another step back, her voice raising to its normal volume as a grin splits her cheeks.“I planned a trip to a well-known boutique for the two of us. We’ll get to spend some sister time together like we used to.” She claps her hands in a seemingly playful manner as her smile widens. “And we’ll help each other pick out our dresses for the Winter ball too.”

As soon as the words leave her mouth I’m reminded of this day and memory of my old life. Today was my eighteenth birthday.

And Seria, like in my last life, had come in a similar fashion and woke me on this day. The conversation was a little different back then, but it still ended with her inviting me out saying she had‘planned a trip for us to choose our Winter ball dresses’.

The naive younger me thought she remembered my birthday and was secretly planning something to celebrate. But instead the day was spent catering to Seria’s every whim and choosing dresses and accessories that would suit her for the ball.

At the end of the day, she picked out a dress for me, saying I would look beautiful in it. It was a fuschia pink halterneck gown, one that seemed to mirror her blush pink dress in every way except for its absurdly bright colour. And stupidly I had agreed.And had played right into her hands.

When the Winter ball was held, the dark glares and sneers I received for ‘Trying to copy Seria’were enough to make the younger me shrivel up and cry. It was a night filled solely with taunts, tears and terrible memories.

Seria calls my name, pulling me from my memories as she turns around and starts to make her way toward the staircase, oblivious to my change in mood.

“So throw on some clothes and meet me downstairs in a few minutes and we’ll head out.” She places her foot on the step just as I call to her.

“I won’t be going shopping, Seria.”

She whips her head around but before she can speak I hold up my hand and continue. “I’m not going to the Winter ball, so I won’t be needing a dress. But you enjoy yourself.”While you can.

“But Micai, why would you not–”

“I’m not interested in going.” I shrug, cutting her off and watching as her brows pull together.

She turns around fully and takes a step closer. “If its because you don't have anyone to go with, I can help find someone that would be willing–”

“Like Adam?” I shake my head as her lips form into a straight line at the mention of his name. “I’m not interested.”

“I didn’t mean him, we’re not even friends Micai. I could–”

“I’m not going, but thanks for the offer anyway.” I watch as her eyes darken, her smile slightly falling at the constant interruptions and rejection.

“Now I need to get ready for class, so you should head off. You have an appointment to make after all.Enjoy.” I turn around, ignoring her questions that follow, asking‘If I’m sure?’as she tries to take another step closer. But before she can reach me I close my door.

I hear her footsteps at the entrance of my room. They stand there for another minute or two before I hear her turn and walk away, and head down the dormitory stairs. As if I would let her waste another minute of my time, let alone a whole day.And my birthday at that.

That was probably her plan all along last time; to make sure I didn’t have a minute to do anything I wanted and spend it chasing after her instead.

Andif I didn’t go to the ball in this life, then I wouldn't have to deal with her bullshit or be surrounded by all those morons either. The night would be better spent training or maybe looking into a few unanswered questions I had.