That no other girl ever made me feel anything. That there's only her; now and until our last breath together.
I look over to her; her hair is slightly swaying with the air flowing in from a nearby window.Gods she was beautiful.
Would she feel it too…the bond? She would have to eventually, right? Over time at least.
I’ll have to make sure I spend every minute I can with her.
Fuck, I wish I was a year younger, then we could have at least been in the same year. Maybe I could drop down? Failing a few classes could work.
I’m about to step into the room when I notice something that has me stopping again.
The small tiny droplets fall down her cheeks as she continues to sing.
And that's when I realised…this wasn’t just some song. She wasn’t just singing for the sake of it. Thismeantsomething.
I rub my chest, feeling the pain and emotion bleeding through with each word. The song was about love, but I could feel it…loss.
How could I have missed that? So blinded by my own happiness, I missed her misery.
My gut twists, my fingers twitching at my sides, wanting to reach for her but I pull them back.
She had lost something, orsomeone, and this was her way of dealing with the pain.
I take a slow step back. Now wasn’t the time to go in grinning from ear to ear and telling her we were meant for each other. She was in pain, and as much as my hands itched to reach out to her, to take her in my arms and tell her it would be okay…I couldn’t.
Because I could feel it. That kind of loss wasn’t something that I could kiss away. It would take time to heal, and only when she was ready could I help her.
Right now, she didn’t need me to be lost in blissful thoughts of us being mates or me trying to push my feelings on to her. She deserved more than that.
I watch on as the tiny clear droplets fall from her cheeks, her beautiful soulful voice trailing off and echoing around the large music room as her song comes to an end.
My mate had a deep pain inside her, one that needed time to heal. And time I had plenty of. In fact every moment from now was hers; every second to have and every day to decide what's next.
Suddenly a clap rings out from the other door at the top of the class, pulling both our attention.
Mrs. Fleur bursts into the room from the main classroom door, a huge oblivious smile on her lips as she makes her way toward Micai.
Micai turns toward the window, wiping away her tears with her sleeve and I clench my fists. There was nothing to be embarrassed about.
I turn my gaze toward the woman making her way toward my mate. Couldn’t that stupid teacher read the room? Micai couldn’t even have this moment.
I narrow my eyes toward the annoyingly oblivious woman, who’s beaming from ear to ear and talking so fast that I can barely make out her words.
Beautiful voice’and‘Perfection’are all I catch. But that'sobvious. Anyone with ears would say the same.
Micai’s voice could make an Angel weep and any Siren green with envy.
And she was mine.
A feeling wells up inside my chest with the thought.
I watch Micai as she becomes a little flustered and I, in turn, become more angered at the presence of Mrs. Fleur.
I never had a problem with the music teacher before but this was a different story. How could she be so blind? Clearly anyone could see Micai was uncomfortable.
The overly enthusiastic teacher rambles on, and Micai’s anguished expression from earlier creases out. It's now overtaken with a slight look of annoyance; her cute brows are pulled down and her plump kissable lips are slightly pursed. It has a grin pulling at my cheeks.